Chapter 24

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Dara's Diary

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Dara's Diary

"In five minutes, we'll start the game. If you have some strategies in your minds, now is the right time to huddle with your teammates." Ms Song announced.

Our team members shifted and eyed one another, asking who would lead us into battle. Some students mentioned Jiyong's name since he was the strongest among us. I took a quick look at Jiyong and coincidentally, our eyes met. I immediately looked away. There were students who voted for Ham Jiyeon too. She had the charisma to lead, not to mention the spunk some girls in our team lacked.

"...I say Cha Jiyong fits the role." A student suggested.

"I beg to differ." Said the other one. "Ham Jiyeon is the one."

"I think Lee Jinyoung could do it too. He's the class president after all."

I looked over to Jinyoung and mouthed the words 'Do something'. He scowled and sagged. He took a deep breath and clapped both his hands making everyone turn to him.

"Alright guys, that's enough dilly-dallying for now. Ms Song's still talking."

"After your team huddle, we'll give each team the time to hide their respective flag." Ms Song got a plastic gun out. "When I fire this, it means the start of the game. Now, your five minutes starts now."

Jinyoung rubbed both his hands. "Okay, who wants to volunteer to be the boss?"

Everyone stifled and shifted uncomfortably. Seriously, they like putting up other people into something they didn't even want themselves to get into. Lee Jinyoung thought of it too and decided to turn the table against them.

"No one? Okay then, I'll volunteer for the position." I saw Jinyoung's mouth quirked to the other side and huddled closer into the team. The other members did the same. "Okay soldiers let's kill our friends. They'll never know what will hit them."

Everyone got excited even Jiyong and Ham Jiyeon were releasing a certain kind of vibe. Everyone was so eager to win and I'm one of them. There was something about Jinyoung that could make anyone perked up. He was not just a leader, he was also a motivator.

"Here's the plan." Jinyoung started. "First, we'll have to divide our forces into two: the attackers and the defenders. Of course our main agenda is to attack so our main force will consist of people with higher chances of surviving out there."

Everyone looked at Jiyong's way who was standing not too far from where we were huddled together. He was kicking some dirt like he was trying to kill it and when he noticed that we were looking at him, he scowled.


"See? He'll surely survive out there." Jinyoung smiled and the others started nodding to one another.

Suddenly Ham Jiyeon raised her hand.

"Yes Ham Jiyeon-sshi?" Jinyoung crossed his arms.

"Isn't it better if we divide our forces equally so we'll have the higher chance of winning out there?"

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