Chapter 34

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Jiyong's Diary

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Jiyong's Diary

A few days ago, Nick had started to date that Ham Jiyeon girl. We were all surprised by his sudden change of heart. Everyone here in school knew that Woo Nickhun and Ham Jiyeon, although engaged with each other didn't exactly get along. Well, it doesn't really concern me. I still had something more important to take care of.

During the engagement party, I had to look for Dara to explain why I had to do this engagement thing. I didn't want her to think that I was actually trying to ignore her. When I finally found her at the party, she tried to run away from me. She didn't even want to look at me. I was hurt.

Back at school I was actually trying to look for a perfect timing to have a talk with her to explain my side of the story but she was always surrounded by her friends especially her idiot of a cousin, Lee Jinyoung. He wouldn't even let me get a meter close to Dara and that bastard Go Minho had actually started to hang out with them.

This day, I had actually promised myself that this time I would definitely talk to Dara. That day was also the day Kim Suzy decided to show up at school. She was absent for a couple of days. I was actually kind of wondering what happened to the imp.

A few minutes from now and class would be over. I decided that once the bell rings, I would immediately grab Dara and run for it while Jinyoung and the rest of his friends would still be preoccupied. And finally, the sound I've been waiting for came. I immediately stood and turned towards where Dara was still sitting but I was surprised when Kim Suzy came running towards me. I scowled when she grabbed me by the arm and began pulling me outside the classroom. Before we could've left the room, I heard our classmates' gasps.

"What the hell?" I complained but Suzy didn't budge. "Yah! Kim Suzy!"

Just then, Suzy turned to face me. She looked desperate and... hurt.

"You have to help me Cha Jiyong. Just this once." Suzy kept staring at me. "Please."

"Kim Suzy!" We turned and saw Woo Nickhun by the door. He looked torn. It was like he wanted to go after Suzy but couldn't seem to find the will to do so.

Everyone from the room has started to gather around the door trying to take a peek. Even Dara came to look, Jinyoung and Minho at her side. Shit! I didn't want her to see me like this. I didn't want her to see me with another girl. I have to get away from Kim Suzy quickly. Just then, Ham Jiyeon appeared by Nick's side. She grabbed Nick by the arm and shook her head slowly. It looked like she was sending Nick a secret message. Nick sagged.

Now I know what's going on. I was too dense to notice that Nick actually liked Kim Suzy and Suzy also happened to like the guy too. Then Ham Jiyeon was the third party but it looked like Nick had already decided to settle with the latter choice then that made Kim Suzy the third party. No wonder she looked desperate to run away.

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