Chapter 53

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Nickhun's Diary

"Where's Suah?" I asked Mom.

We were now sitting side by side in the living room. Seriously, Suzy was over the top, getting a suite for my Mom's accommodation. I could see Suzy in the near future. She would be a doting daughter-in-law I'm sure of it.

"She's with her dad right now." Mom answered. "They went to see my in-laws."

"Well, that's a relief."

Mom suddenly grimaced. "How are you holding up? I saw the newspaper." Mom paused. "She looks beautiful by the way."

I smiled. "She is."

"I like her already." Mom said. "She's making you smile."

"Yeah, she's the type of girl that makes you happy all the time." I said. "I just hope she'll be the same after dealing with me and my problems."

"Yah, how can you say that? Do you really think she cared about that?"

"Of course not! It's just that—" I paused to think. "My life's too complicated unlike hers." I reasoned.

Mom grimaced again. "Because you're a mistress' son."

"Mom, please." I shook my head. "It's not like that."

"No, it's okay. I understand." Mom patted my cheeks. "I'm sorry I did this to you Nick. If I just—"

"Mom, stop." I said. "Don't say that. It's not your fault. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here." I grabbed both her hands and squeezed it tightly. "I'm not blaming you for what happened. I should actually be thanking you for letting me born into this world. When I think about it, you could've chosen to abort me to save yourself from this kind of life. Without me, you could've kept your life as an actress. You could've live freely without an obsess wife watching you all the time."

"Oh Nick, you really are a good son." Mom became teary eyed.

The next morning, I went home. I was preparing myself to be caught by Hyomin's guards as soon as I stepped inside the gate but it was quiet the whole time I entered the house. I noticed that there were no more guards stationed at every corner of the house. Then I saw Dad sitting inside his study. I went inside cautiously. He looked busy rummaging through his files. I knocked and he turned towards me.

"You're already here?" Dad pushed his eyeglasses back.

I entered the room. "What happened to all the guards?"

"I dismissed them." Dad said and put down his files to take a break. Dad looked at me. "I'm sorry son. Your mom got ahead of herself and locked you up inside your room. You don't have to worry anymore. I already talked to Hyomin."

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