Chapter 5

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Dara's Diary

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Dara's Diary

I woke up with Nickhun at my side. He was sleeping. I tried getting up when he suddenly woke up. I didn't mean to wake him up, he seemed tired.

"Sorry." I said. "Did I wake you up?"

He smiled. "It's fine. The Doctor said you have a fever this morning." He seemed a little angry, I could tell by the tone of his voice. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"I don't want you to worry." He got up and helped me to sit. "I caused you too much trouble already."

"You know it's not true." Nickhun grabbed my hand and held it tightly. "Don't ever think that you're a nuisance to us. We're your friends."

I just smiled. "Where are the others?"

He let go of my hand. "They're already in class. Jinyoung called your Mom earlier and said that she'll be here soon. Don't worry and just get some sleep."

"How about you?" I asked. "Aren't you going to class? I'm fine already. Mom's probably on her way here so just go back to class for now."

"Are you sure you're alright by yourself?" He asked, still worried about me. This guy, he was still trying to protect me. I could tell since the day of the accident with Jiyong.

"Yeah. I'm feeling much better now, thanks." I smiled.

He smiled back. "Alright. Just call me if something comes up, okay?"

I nodded. "Go! You're late for third period."

Nickhun left the infirmary. I felt sick again. I felt like throwing up. Water. I needed some water but the pitcher was on the other side of the room. I couldn't get up, I felt weak and nauseous. I tried to get up again but someone threw me his bottled water.

"Drink it and get some rest." It was my classmate, Go Minho. If I remembered correctly he was the one who got the worst score during our Math test. "I'll call the Doctor." He stood up and went to get the door but I stopped him.

"Wait!" I called. "I'll be fine after drinking some water. You don't have to trouble yourself."

Minho went back and sat on the next bed. He grabbed his iPod and scrolled through his playlist.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here in the infirmary?" I asked. "You're not hurt are you? Are you sick?"

He was still looking through his iPod. "I came here to sleep."

"Aren't you going to class?" I asked again.

This time Minho turned to me. "Class bores me." And he went back to his iPodagain. He was utterly quiet. I thought I'm beginning to annoy him with my questions but I couldn't stop myself. I'm curious about him.

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