Chapter 49

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Dara's Diary

I was restless the whole ride. I was happy that Dad was awake now but I was still afraid. What if there were some complications? I kept tapping my fingers to my knees and biting my lips. Jiyong had to hold my hands to keep me from fidgeting. We arrived at the hospital. We saw my Mom with Jae Hyun-oppa standing outside my Dad's room.

"Mom!" I called out.


"What happened?" I asked. "I thought Dad's awake? Where is he?"

"Calm down." Jae Hyun-oppa grabbed my shoulders. "Dad's fine. The Doctor is currently checking his vitals inside so we need to wait for a bit."

I nodded. Jae Hyun-oppa smiled. He studied me and turned to Jiyong who was hovering near me. I saw his eyebrows knitting together.

"You're early." Jae Hyun-oppa said. "I thought you're going to be late. I especially ordered a temporary release since you said that you have to be somewhere important."

"Ah yes." I almost bit my tongue. "The party was great and all of my friends were there. We had a great time together."

"Uh-huh and I supposed this young lad here is one of those friends you were talking about?" Jae Hyun-oppa tilted his head towards Jiyong who unconsciously gulped.

I couldn't look into my brother's eyes. "Uh, truth is—"

"Doctor!" Mom suddenly ran towards Doctor Yoon Ji Hoo, the doctor in-charge of my Dad. "How's my husband?"

The doctor smiled. "He's fine but weak so no talking for him right now. Whatever it is you want to talk to him about will have to wait for tomorrow."

"Of course." Mom answered, feeling overwhelmed. "Thank you so much."

Doctor Yoon nodded and went to talk to Jae Hyun-oppa alone. Mom made her way inside Dad's room. I peeked inside and saw Mom holding Dad's hand, kissing it. I smiled.

"Aren't you going inside?" Jiyong asked beside me.

I shook my head. "It can wait until tomorrow. I'm just happy Dad's okay now."

Jiyong grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. "Everything's going to be okay now." Jiyong brushed my cheeks. "You're going to be okay too."

Morning came and Jiyong never left my side. I fell asleep with my head on his shoulders. Jiyong shook me from my sleep when Mom came and told us that Dad wanted to talk to me. I didn't know the reason but my heart began to pound like crazy.

"What time is it?" I asked Mom.

"It's six o'clock in the morning." Mom answered. "Your Dad's been awake for a while now."

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