Chapter 41

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Nickhun's Diary

After Suzy and I talked on the rooftop of the hospital, I felt relieved. I was finally able to tell her what I really felt. All my fear, worries and doubts were gone. I also found out that Suzy was the girl I saved ten years ago. That really surprised me. At first, I didn't believe it but when I saw Suzy's scar, it confirmed my doubts. With this kind of coincidence I couldn't stop thinking that fate really destined for us to be together. I smiled at the idea.

After that heart-warming talk, I escorted Suzy towards Dara's hospital room. Dara immediately smiled and called out Suzy's name when we entered the room together. Jinyoung on the other hand gave us a scrutinizing look, smirked and asked me silently what happened between us two. I just gave him a shrug and bid a farewell. I went on my way back to my house. I was so tired that all I wanted to do was sleep all day.

When I finally got to the living room, a group of security locked the door to the main entrance and surrounded the whole place. One particular security that I remembered working as the head of my step-mom's security team came at me.

"Madam Chairman wants to see you in her office." The guy told me.

I didn't say anything back and just followed the guy to my step-mom's study. I was actually kind of curious as to what was happening right at that time. When I entered the room, I saw Hyomin standing behind her chair, her back facing me. I was expecting the security who escorted me to leave as soon as I entered the room but the guy stayed together with some more guys. I scowled.

"Good, you're here already." Hyomin turned to face me and she looked furious. "I have to give it to you. After what you've done, you still have the guts to show your face in front of us, your own parents."

Now, I was really getting confused. "I don't understand."

Hyomin scoffed. "You little prick! Let me show you then what I was talking about!"

My step-mom got something on her desk and tossed it towards me. When I caught it, it was a brown envelope. I got chills. There was no way she could've known about my secret rendezvous with my birth mother right? I was already sweating really hard by the time I was opening the said envelope. And when I finally pulled something out of it, I found out that it was a photo. A photo of me and Suzy, kissing.

My eyes widened in horror. It was the very same day Suzy confessed her feelings for me. It seemed like the photo was taken in a hurry, it was kind of blurry but there was no mistaking that we were the ones in the photo. The very same setting, one rainy day and the very same faces were plastered on it.

I looked desperately to my step-mom.

"You didn't even bother denying it." Hyomin gritted.

"I can explain! I—"

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