Chapter 36

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Jiyeon's Diary

Nick and I were riding my family's car going to the restaurant where our parents were waiting for us. Throughout our ride, Nick was ignoring me. Of course he would, not after I used his secret against him, not to mention I threatened his family.

"Hate me all you want Nick but it still wouldn't change the fact that we're already engaged." I said and it actually made Nick to turn towards me and gave me a scrutinizing look. "And what was that all about with Kim Suzy earlier? I thought I already told you to stay away from that girl?"

"I just wanted to talk to her." Nick replied, frustrated. "No matter how you complain about it, you can't also change the fact that she's one of my friends. Am I not even allowed to talk to her as a friend?"

I glared at him. "No!"

Nick threw me his incredulous look. "Why? Why are you being so difficult Jiyeon-ah?" He looked like he wanted to jump out of the car right there and then. "Why are you so jealous of her anyway? You already said it earlier; we're already engaged so there's nothing you have to be worried about."

I almost shouted at him but I stopped myself before I could've lost myself. I inhaled and calmed myself. The driver in the front seat was starting to get worried too.

"Do you really wanna know why I was so against, angry and jealous of Kim Suzy?" I waited for him to answer but he hesitated. "It's because of you." I pressed my forefinger at his chest for emphasis. "It's your fault in the very beginning why I am like this and it's also your fault why I hate Kim Suzy this much."

I heard my voice cracked. I saw Nickhun's expression softened.

"I hated the way you looked at her because you never looked at me in that way even once." I started to tear up.

I wanted Nick to say something to me, to comfort me, to say that he was sorry and would try to forget her and start anew with me but he never did. He was just looking at me. I didn't know if it was guilt or pity he was showing but I didn't care as long as he was with me. Nickhun looked like he wanted to say something but I noticed that the car had stopped so I got out of the car first before he could've said anything.

"Jiyeon-ah! Wait." I heard Nickhun called after me.

I stopped and waited for him but I didn't let him talk instead I straightened myself and fixed my serious face on him. Nickhun hesitated.

"Tidy yourself up." I told him. "We're about to meet our parents. I don't want them to see that we're fighting. You know what'll happen if this engagement is broken right?"

Nickhun scowled at me but I ignored it and went to grab his arms and linked it into mine. We both went inside the restaurant. I faked a smile upon seeing Nickhun's parents seated on the farthest dining area but I felt something pricked me inside my chest when I realized that only my Mom was not there. So much for a family dinner.

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