Chapter 32

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Nickhun's Diary

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Nickhun's Diary

Class activities were finally over and we were free to spend our free time on our club activities. I was actually on my way to the studio where our Photography Club was located when I met Jiyeon on the way. It was already late at night when I got Jinyoung's message. He wanted to talk about something and to be honest I was kind of worried. It was not every day you see Jinyoung get fixated on something.

Jiyeon straightened herself up when she saw me looking at her. She approached me and I actually gave her a quizzical look. I looked around, trying to find her best friend, Choi Sunny who was always with her but she was nowhere to be found. Jiyeon came alone.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We need to talk." She said bluntly.

"If this is about us again, can it wait until the club activities' over?" I scowled and started walking away from her but she blocked my way and had actually made the effort to push me back. "Jiyeon-ah!"

"Will you please listen to what I have to say first, Nick?" Jiyeon looked frustrated and I actually felt bad towards her.

I noticed that I was actually trying to push her away these past couple of days now. Maybe it was actually the right time for us to talk about us. Although she might already have an idea of my true feelings towards her, it was still right that I should clarify it with her and made a clean cut of our relationship. I would just have to explain it to my parents and suffer the consequences after.

I sighed. "Fine, you want to talk? Let's talk."

We were on the rooftop and we were just standing there facing each other awkwardly. The weather was actually getting worse. The clouds were getting darker, a sign that it would rain soon.

"What do you want to talk about?" I started.

"Do you like Kim Suzy?" She asked and I actually flinched. I tried to read her mind but she was just looking right at me, unnerved.

I looked right back at her. "Yes."

And just then, Jiyeon's face contorted. "Why? Why do you like that girl?"

"Jiyeon-ah." I tried to approach her but I hesitated. I don't want to give her the idea that I still cared for her like a fiancé should do.

Jiyeon grabbed me by the arms and started shaking me. "Why do you like that girl when I was actually the one who likes you?" I couldn't look her in the eyes. "I waited for you to like me back. I actually waited for you for almost six years now."

I was taken aback. She waited that long? Then she already had feelings for me back when we were still at first year middle school.

"Back when you told me we should just start ignoring each other at school, letting our parents know that we hate each other, I actually didn't want to do it because I already liked you back then."

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