Final Chapter

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 He was in a hurry. He kept glancing at his wristwatch. He's late. Nickhun was descending on the staircase towards his car, carrying a box full of souvenirs and a bag dangling behind his back. He loaded the box inside his car's trunk, went into the driver's seat and threw his back pack behind the passenger's seat.

"Oppa!" He heard his sister calling for him.

Nickhun turned to the rear view mirror and saw his sister running towards him waving a small box. Suah peered inside his window and handed the box to him. The box was long and rectangular.

"Yah! You forgot the most important thing." His sister scolded. Nickhun just smiled apologetically. "Don't forget to bring me some souvenirs when you get back, okay?"

Nickhun is now allowed to stay in his birth Mother's house for a whole week every month. His life became more peaceful and normal when his Dad finally made up with his step-mom, Hyomin. And that might be the reason why she became more tolerable for him. He also started to take part in their family business by taking a business course for his college application so that made his step-mom even nicer to him. She didn't nag him anymore more than she supposed to be and became a decent mother to him.

"You bet." Nickhun gave his sister a peck on the forehead before driving off.

Nickhun glanced over at the box lying beside him and smiled excitedly.


Suzy was reading a novel in a coffee shop but she couldn't seem to concentrate so she chose to put down the book and took a sip of her coffee instead. She also kept checking her phone. They're going to be late if he doesn't come now. Suzy checked her wrist watch one last time before she saw the person she was waiting for. Suzy automatically smiled upon seeing him. He was running towards her and like her, he looked happy and excited.

"Yah!" Suzy stood. "You're late!"

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." Nickhun smiled apologetically. He gave Suzy a quick kiss on her cheek and sat across her. "Packing my things took me some time. It's time for me to come back to the main house after all."

Suzy sat back into her seat. "But you know what day it is today too right? What if we wouldn't make there on time? They'll be pissed. And Jinyoung, what will he—"

Suzy was interrupted when Nickhun pulled something out from his pocket. It was something long and rectangular. Nickhun put the box on the table and pushed it towards her. He smiled when he saw her reaction. She looked confused.

"What's this?" Suzy asked.

Nickhun shrugged. "Try opening it."

So Suzy opened the box and saw a beautiful, expensive bracelet made with silver with tiny jade stones dangling on it. She looked at Nickhun with wide eyes and gaped.

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