Chapter 2

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Jinyoung's Diary

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Jinyoung's Diary

"Are you okay?" I touched my cousin's forehead. She seemed feverish. "You're such an idiot. You shouldn't force yourself too much and let me handle the rest."

She smiled weakly. "I'm fine. I just don't want Nick to get in trouble."

"Nick can take care of himself." I smiled back. "You should be worrying about yourself."

"Hey." I heard Suzy's voice and turned around to see her carrying a sandwich. "You okay? I brought you some sandwich since you haven't really touched your food earlier."

"Thanks." Dara smiled.

Suzy handed the sandwich to her but she seemed awkward about something else. "I'm sorry. I think it was my fault for getting you into trouble with Cha Jiyong."

I turned to Dara and she looked back at me. I heaved a sigh. "It's not your fault Suzy. Nickhun has a point. Jiyong had gone too far this time and he really needs to stop but it doesn't mean that I'd agree to Nickhun using violence to stop him. There's so many ways how to stop that spoiled brat from his tracks."

I saw Suzy looking at me with an amazed look. "Wow, you're smart."

"Yah!" I laughed even Dara giggled. "Never mind. What I'm trying to say is whether you came to this school or not, a time will eventually come when those two will have to face each other sooner or later."

I left the girls in the infirmary. I'm still worried about Dara but I knew she'll be fine with Suzy. Somehow I was glad that she found another friend with her. Suzy was seemed nice but I still have my doubts about her family background.

I was looking for Nickhun when I got a call from my dad's secretary. "It's me. What is it?" I paused for a moment. "Fine, I'll be there."

"Let me guess, your dad?" I heard Nick and turned to see him sitting on the stairs.

"There you are. I was looking all over for you." I joined him on the stairs. "It was my Dad's secretary actually." I paused for a moment "You know, sitting on the stairs is against school rules."

"I thought your social status is all that matters here." He smiled.

"Yeah well, that's the golden rule but it doesn't mean that's the ONLY rule you have to follow." I tried to reason. "When social status becomes the measure of people's lives, this place will turn to be a living hell."

I heard Nickhun laugh. This bastard, he dared to laugh at me. "Then, why are you sitting next to me? You of all people know better."

I smiled to myself. "Well, sometimes it's nice to break the rules for a change."

When classes ended, I decided to go home early. When I reached home everyone was busy. There were housemaids, running back and forth carrying silverwares, vases and flowers, securities roaming and talking to their ear phones and my mom calling her friends over the phone. There would be a party later dedicated for my brother who passed the board exam for lawyers although he made it in rank 10, my dad was still very proud.

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