Chapter 46

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Suzy's Diary

My parents and I were at the living room, taking our seats while facing each other. My mom and dad were sitting across me, a newspaper spread out in front of us. Dad was glaring right at me while crossing his arms while Mom was just keeping her eyes on her husband. Dad reached out for the newspaper and smacked it back on the table. We all flinched.

"What did we do to deserve this humiliation from you?" Dad was furious. I just kept bowing my head. "Is this your way of rebelling against us?"

"Yeobo-ah." Mom tried to calm her husband.

"Look at you!" Dad shouted. "You look pathetic, guilty!" Dad kept hitting the newspaper. "Guilty of this outrage!"

"That's enough, yeobo-ah." Mom pleaded.

"No!" Dad insisted. "She needs to know where she went wrong. She's too reckless and doesn't mind the things around her. All she cares about is herself!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I might be annoying and strong headed sometimes, okay maybe a lot but I'm not that oblivious as what they claimed me to be.

"Now that's hitting below the belt!" I shouted. Dad looked surprised. I sighed. "I love you dad and mom too and I appreciate everything that you've done for me until now but I never asked you to do this for me."

"What did you just say? You dare to—" Dad looked aghast.

"Dad please, just listen to me for once!" I cut in. "You never listen to me, that's the problem!" I looked at Mom who seemed shaken. "Both of you. Yes, you might have given me everything but you never actually tried asking me what I really wanted, do you? You thought that you're loosening the reins around my neck but that was not the point here! It doesn't matter to me because I'm still a prisoner. You still have the reins around my neck. Now, I'm not really considered free am I?"

Both Mom and Dad exchanged doubtful looks. They looked guilty and worried for me at the same time.

"Suzy, honey—" Mom tried to explain her side but she didn't know what to say or how to start.

I reached out towards the newspaper. I could see Nickhun's face on it. I started feeling the rough paper on my fingertips. I'm sure Nick's in trouble as much as I am now. I wonder what he's doing right now.

"I like him." I blurted out suddenly and I saw my parents' expression turning grim. I began shaking my head. "No, I don't like him, I actually love him."

"Suzy-ah—" Mom wanted to stand but I shook my head.

"I love you both, I really do and if you also love me, you'll trust me." I smiled at them. "I'll always be your daughter no matter what but what I need you to do for me is to trust me, to let me decide for my own."

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