Chapter 52

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Jinyoung's Diary

"Where are we going?" Nickhun asked beside me.

We were now on our way to see Nick's Mom­­. The day when Jiyeon and I went to visit him in his prison, I mean house he asked us to meet with his birth mother and keep her and his sister safe from his step-mother. And in order to do that, we needed Go Minho's help so I called him that night and went to rendezvous with Mrs Moon Hyun Shik.

We took the last minute flight to Jeju and met with Nick's other family. Before we could've met the Moons at their house, Minho instructed his men to surround the area. At first, I was stricken to see the former actress in front of my eyes. Jiyeon had to elbow me to bring me back from my senses. When I told her about Nick's situation, she immediately packed. I noticed that she was alone so I asked her about her daughter. Mrs Moon said that she was away with her husband to visit her in-laws so she was pretty much the only one in the house that night.

When we got out from the house, we were greeted by Go Minho and his men with some of unknown, unconscious men in suits. We guessed they were Woo Hyomin's men.

"Yah! Lee Jinyoung," Nickhun elbowed me. "Are you even listening to me?"

I flinched. "What? What?"

"I asked you where we are going."

"You'll know when we get there, Mr patient guy." I glanced over Nickhun and he was glaring at me. I smirked. "It's not going to work on me."

Nickhun sighed. "Well, it doesn't hurt to try."

I laughed. Then we both fell into silence. I was still feeling amused when Nickhun became sentimental all of a sudden.

"You know, I haven't said thank you to you yet." Nickhun said.

"Um—" I was lost for words. "You're welcome, I guess?" Then I paused. "Wait, hold on. What are you being thankful for?"

Nickhun laughed. "For everything." I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously, you've been a true friend and a great help to me this whole time Jin-ah."

"Yah, did you eat something weird?"

"I'm serious, man." Nickhun pushed me playfully. "Some people might know you as Woo Nickhun's sidekick, the extra, the pushover—"

"Hey!" I warned. "I'm not a pushover."

"I know." Nickhun groaned. "Just let me finish okay?"

I nodded. "Go on."

"All I'm saying is you're a great man Jin-ah." Nickhun summarized. "You've been very supportive of me even though I'm not very confident of myself. Not only me. I'm sure the others feel the same way too. You've been taking care of us especially Dara. And I'm sure Minho's grateful because you let him to be a part of our circle. And Suzy. She told me that you've been a great help to her when you know, when I wasn't around."

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