Chapter 33

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Suzy's Diary

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Suzy's Diary

I saw Nick leaving the studio. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't move at all. Maybe I was hearing wrong. Did he just say he was going to forget the girl he saved back then? Wait, he said he already found the girl which meant he was not the one who saved me ten years ago. What were you thinking Kim Suzy? That was not the issue here! Nick just said that he was going to give it another go with Ham Jiyeon.

I heard Lee Jinyoung scoffed beside me. "Heol, did Nick just say he's going to date Ham Jiyeon for real? Is he crazy?" Then he turned to look at me. "Are you okay?"

I was not sure. I was still in shock. This was not right. This wasn't supposed to happen. If I told Nick I was the girl— No, he wouldn't believe me and he believed that he already found the girl he was looking for. What should I do? Why were you asking that now? Nick was leaving you. You have to do something about it or you're going to lose him forever.

I nodded to myself and went to chase after Nickhun.

"Where are you going?" Jinyoung asked behind me.

I paused to look at him. "I need to stop him."

"And how exactly are you going to do that?"

I paused to think. "I'll tell him what I feel. I'll tell him I like him."

Jinyoung gave me a doubtful look but didn't make any attempt to stop me so I ran outside and looked for Nickhun. I finally found him at the school's entrance. He was practically trapped inside the school since it was raining hard. He didn't bring any umbrella with him and it was actually favourable in my part. Like this, he wouldn't be able to escape from me.

"Nick!" I yelled.

It was a good thing there was no one at the school premises at that time. Almost all of the students went home directly because of the storm. Nick turned and saw me coming to him. He looked torn. It looked like he wanted to run away from me.

"What is it this time?" Nick asked as soon as I came to a stop in front of him.

I looked at him in the eyes. "Why are you going this far Nick?"

Nickhun scowled. "What do you mean?"

"You don't even like Jiyeon." I said and he looked taken aback. "And you even lied back then about the girl ten years ago. Why would you lie like that? I know you still care for that girl ten years ago because you wouldn't come looking for her every month."

Nick looked surprised.

"Jin told me." I answered his question in mind.

"This doesn't concern you, isn't it?" Nick shifted his back pack on his shoulder. "And I already made my decision. She already waited for me this long. I thought maybe it's time for me to return her feelings."

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