Chapter 10

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Jiyong's Diary

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Jiyong's Diary

"What do you mean by trouble?" Kim Suzy asked. She was worried. "What? Dara's missing?"

She tried to lower her voice but the mention of Dara's name snapped me out back to my senses.I was frozen. Dara was missing.

"Hold on, I can't hear you." Suzy covered the mouth piece of her phone and turned towards us. "May I be excuse? I need to take this. It's urgent."

"Sure honey." I heard her mom said.

Suzy nodded back and rose from her seat. She headed for the girl's toilet. What happened to Dara? Why's she gone missing? I needed to know the details. My foot was already tapping on the marble floor. I started biting my nails. I knew it was kind of childish but old habits don't die easily. I rose to my seat but Dad pulled me back.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dad whispered.

"I need to go to the toilet." I answered.

I yanked myself free from my father and headed to the toilet. I waited for Suzy to come out from the Ladies' room. What's taking her so long? I was getting impatient so I went inside. Some of the women shrieked and started throwing me their hair brushes but I didn't care.

"Get out!" I shouted.

I saw Suzy got out from one of the cubicles. She was still holding her phone. She seemed surprised to see me inside because the moment she saw me, she flinched. Some of the women just stared at me, confused to see a guy like me inside.

"I said, get out!" I screamed again this time, louder.

All the women left. Suzy started sneaking behind me but I blocked her way with my leg.

"And where do you think you're going?" I advanced on her. She pulled back.

"P-pervert!" she exclaimed.

I dropped my gaze and started laughing. I heard someone approaching but I kicked the door and locked it. The woman started pounding at the door but I ignored it and turned to Suzy.

"Was that Lee Jinyoung on the phone earlier?" I started. "What happened to Dara?"

Suzy stared at me for a long time then heaved a very long sigh. She leaned against the counter, her shoulders slumped.

"Why do you even care?" I was surprised to hear how confident Suzy sounded. "I thought you're the one who abandoned her? I heard the whole story from WooNickhun. Back when you were in middle school, you started ignoring them, why?"

I was taken aback. I wasn't expecting to be interrogated like this.

"I didn't abandon them." I finally answered. "I was just angry."

I saw Suzy shifted. She looked at me expectantly. Clearly she wanted a more detailed explanation.

"I heard something back then." I knew I looked pathetic at that time but I couldn't help myself from feeling that way. "I wish I didn't hear it so that nothing would've change and we could still be friends like we used to."

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