Chapter 39

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Suzy's Diary

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Suzy's Diary

My parents and I were eating our dinner when a shocking news concerning my friend flashed on the TV screen:

Park Sandara-shii, daughter of Senator Park Yoo Jin was said to have been attacked early this afternoon by assailants coming from the Mafia.

I almost choked on my salad. I hurriedly wiped my mouth clean and stood from my seat. Mom yelped when I hit the table on the way, making it rattle.

Early this month, Senator Park submitted a petition concerning all Mafia Organizations to be banned in the country. The police said that it might be the main reason for the attack. The Park family refused to say anything in the matter and kept praying for the fast recovery of Sandara Park-shii who is currently admitted at the Su Am Hospital.

I started biting my lip.

"What is it?" Mom asked. "Do you know this Park Sandara they were talking about?"

I nodded. "She's my friend."

"My good lord!" Mom exclaimed. "I hope she's alright."

I turned to look at my parents. "Excuse me, I have to make a phone call.

I didn't wait for my parents to reply and left running towards my room. I grabbed my phone and dialled Jinyoung's number.

"Come on, come on, come on.." I kept praying but Jinyoung's not picking up.

I stopped and started rummaging through my phonebook again, looking for a particular person's number. When I spotted Nickhun's number I hesitated. There was still awkwardness between us, not to mention I was still pissed at him but...

I pressed the button and the next thing I knew, I heard the other line already ringing. My heart was pounding really fast. I was nervous and excited at the same time but I found myself disappointed when no one's picking up on the other line.

"Jerk." I mumbled.

The next day I went to school to find none of my friends there. Dara was still at the hospital. Jinyoung was probably still with her. And since Nickhun's a close friend of theirs, it was understandable that he had to be with them but I bet he was probably at home, sleeping. Not seeing Minho there didn't surprise me at all since he already got his reputation although these past few days, I thought he was starting to get serious about school and began attending his classes now.

I sat on my chair and was staring at Nick's chair when Jiyong suddenly burst inside the room, covered in bruises. I scowled and went to confront him.

"What happened to you?" I crossed my arms. "You look like a crap."

"Could you do me a favor and stay the hell away from me?" Jiyong spat. "I'm not in the gaming mood."

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