Chapter 30 - A Boys Over Flower 2 Cross-over Part 1

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Dara's Diary

A few days after our school field trip, we came all back to school and return to our usual lives as students. Both Suzy and Jiyong didn't report to school the next day and we all got worried, especially Nick. I on the other hand felt numb on the inside. I didn't know what to feel or react to the current situation. I was still lost about what Jiyong did the other night. When Suzy turned up one day, we all showered her with so many questions about what happened after they left the hotel the same night but she couldn't give the exact details of what exactly happened after that. And what Jinyoung had said about him taking the role of being a tour guide for the students of University of Korea was actually true. And he had actually done a pretty good job. I think the students found him funny and smart which are some of his charms.

"Yah! Are you really sure about this?" Jinyoung asked beside me.

We were actually heading back to my house. Jinyoung decided to tag along. The other night, Mom called me and begged me to come home. She told me that there was some trouble going on concerning my dad. I got worried so I decided to come home and offered a temporary truce with my dad. Don't get me wrong, I was still pissed about him trying to send me away.

"To be honest? I'm not really sure." I answered. "But he's still my dad. I have to be there for him especially during around this time."

Jinyoung nodded and pressed his hands on mine, reassuring me. "Don't worry, I'm sure it's going to be alright."

I smiled. We finally arrived at my house and Mom was already at the door to greet us. I gave her a long big hug and she embraced me as tightly as she could. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek before turning to my cousin.

"Thank you for accompanying her Jin-ah." Mom hugged him. "Why don't you two come inside first? Your Dad's still talking to someone in his study. They'll be with us shortly."

We nodded and headed inside the house. When we reached into the living room, we saw my Dad and Jinyoung's Dad leaving the study room.

"Dad?" Jinyoung gaped upon seeing his obtuse father. In return, his dad gave him a scrutinizing look before acknowledging him.

"There you are." We heard Dad say. "You finally decided to come home."

I didn't say anything back. I turned to Mom. "What is Jinyoung's Dad doing here?" I whispered. "Don't tell me it had something to do with Dad's problem?"

Mom grimaced. "Your Dad actually presented a proposal at the senate a few days ago, stirring some of the people especially around the media."

I scowled and looked at Dad who was still talking to Jinyoung's Dad. "What was it about, the proposal I mean."

"He proposed that all mafia and yakuza-based organizations here in Korea should be banned." Mom was really upset. "He's not just targeting the usual kind of gangsters you could find roaming around the streets at night, he's actually aiming for some big shot organizations like the Song's and Go's."

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