Chapter 45

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Dara's Diary

Two days had passed since I was admitted to the Su Am Hospital and a day since Jiyong visited me and confessed his feelings to me. I was actually feeling happy and a little bit dizzy after the confession. And to be honest, I've never felt this excited and alive my entire high school life and I actually liked it but I still couldn't shake off the feeling that this happiness wouldn't last long.

I was lying on my hospital bed while Mom was peeling me an apple at my side when her phone rang. Mom stopped peeling the apple and reached for her phone placed on the table and answered it.

"Yes?" Mom answered.

I got bored so I turned on the TV in my room. I was looking for a channel that can entertain me when a sudden scream from Mom made me drop the remote control.

"What did you say?" Mom exclaimed, standing from her chair. She was trembling. I was surprised and worried at the same time. "Oh my god!" Mom suddenly cried then she looked at me.

"What is it?" I asked, feeling hysterical. She was just standing there, her right hand on her mouth and her left at her stomach. "Mom you're scaring me. Please, say something."

Mom tried so hard to stay upright. "Your dad." Mom started and my eyes automatically widened. "He um— he got into an accident and he's currently in the ICU."

I was speechless. I couldn't move.

"The doctors said that he's in a critical condition." Mom added and cried again.

"Where?" I asked, getting up from my bed. "What hospital did they bring Dad into?"

Mom tried wiping her tears away. "Here." Mom answered. "He's here at Su Am."

Both Mom and I went to the ICU where Dad was currently admitted. When we arrived outside the ICU, there were police officers stationed everywhere and some people working for my dad. My cousins, Woo Young-oppa and Young Deuk-oppa were also there with their mom, Aunt Hyuna. Aunt Hyuna immediately went to hug my mom for comfort while Deuk-oppa reached out to hug me too. Mom began crying again while I just stood there, shocked and traumatized. I could hear Woo-oppa asking me if I was okay and kept patting my cheeks to shake me off from my daze but I was just staring blankly. Just then a doctor came out from the ICU. I knew him. He was the famous Doctor Yoon JiHoo. We all heard the news about him getting hospitalized for his illness but I guess he already recovered from that. Mom automatically broke away from my Aunt's embrace and went to the doctor.

"How is he?" Mom asked, wiping her cheeks. "Doctor, is my husband going to survive?"

The famous doctor took off his face mask. "He's stable now but he lost too much blood. He needs a blood donor."

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