Chapter 37

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Jinyoung's Diary

I was pacing back and forth in front of our family lounge. I could hear them talking inside. There were Dad's, Mom's, Young Deuk-hyung's and the person I was most wary of, Woo Young-hyung's voices. They were talking about my oldest brother's cases back in New York. Well, unlike my dad, Woo Young-hyung became known worldwide for his skills. Dad might be the owner of the Law Firm but it was actually Woo Young-hyung who was running the family business.

I inhaled and exhaled simultaneously, trying to prepare myself before going inside the war zone. I was telling myself to calm down but I could feel my hands shaking. I took my time and inhaled one last time before opening the door to the family lounge. My family turned towards me. I gulped. This is it. There was no turning back now.

"Jinyoungie!" I heard Woo Young's excited voice.

My eyes widened with horror when I saw him moved to stand from where he was sitting and ran towards me. I unconsciously stepped backward but Woo Young-hyung went to grab my neck and pulled me towards him. He also started pinching my cheeks until I couldn't feel them anymore.

Ever since when we were small, Woo Young-hyung was very protective of us, especially towards me since I'm the youngest with 14 years gap in our age. He always treated me like a baby in front of everyone and it was actually embarrassing. And who in their right mind to call a boy like me 'Jinyoungie'? It was a girl's nickname for crying out loud!

"You're still cute as ever Jinyoungie. Whoa, you've grown." Woo Young-hyung began ruffling my hair. "The last time I saw you, you were this small." My oldest brother gestured to level his hand on his hips. "How many years has it been?"

I was still struggling to free myself from his grip when Deuk-hyung cleared his throat. "Woo-hyung, I think our Jinyoung needs to breath."

Woo-hyung scowled and turned towards me. "Oh!" He immediately released me. "Sorry about that." Woo-hyung turned to each one of us. "I can't believe we're all together at last. We should have a private dinner this night, exclusive for family only." Then he turned to look at me. "You should call Dara and invite her and her parents over."

I wanted to answer but he immediately turned the other way, leaving me feeling stupid. I hated that of my brother. He never asked the opinion of the others. He just kept doing what he likes. "You're all free tonight right?"

"Actually, I'm not." Deuk-hyung cringed.

I saw Woo-hyung's face turned into a scowl. "What do you mean?"

Deuk-hyung started fidgeting his cuff links. "Well, I still need to meet my architect for the renovations of my condominium unit."

"Condominium unit? You got yourself a Condominium unit?" Woo-hyung turned to Dad. "What did he mean by that? Does it have something to do with Deuk's application? It didn't come to my office for any approval."

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