Chapter 35

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Minho's Diary

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Minho's Diary

That was some scene Kim Suzy and Cha Jiyong made earlier. After they left the school together, I threw Woo Nickhun a glance. Ham Jiyeon was still clinging into him. What was exactly going on with Woo Nickhun? He already made his choice to be with Ham Jiyeon but he was still holding on to his feelings for Kim Suzy and it was clearly affecting both parties. Both Suzy and Nick's situation were hard since both of them were already engaged with another person.

"Let's go Nick." We heard Ham Jiyeon. She pulled Nick by the arm. "We still have a family dinner to attend to."

Nick grimaced and turned to look at us. He was still upset by Cha Jiyong's interference earlier between him and Suzy. "Sorry guys I can't hang out with you this time." Nick apologized. "But I'll see you at school tomorrow."

None of us replied. We just stood there and just looked at them as they leave the classroom. When both Nick and Ham Jiyeon were out of earshot, Lee Jinyoung whistled.

"Yah! There's something wrong with Nick and I bet it was that witch's doing, I'm sure of it." Lee Jinyoung kept nodding to himself.

"You and your hunches." I scowled. "Being a genius doesn't make you an omniscient highschooler."

I turned to Dara to back me up but she was still staring blankly. I almost forgot that Dara and Cha Jiyong had a thing in the past and what happened earlier whether she admitted it or not had actually left an expression on her.

I touched her elbow and I felt her flinch. "You okay?"

She didn't answer, just nodded. I saw Jinyoung gave his cousin a disapproving look then turned to look at me. He shook his head feeling incredulous. He gave me 'can you believe this girl' kind of look.

"You know what?" Lee Jinyoung said when he knew he wasn't getting anything out of Dara. "Why don't we all go for a drink? A Frappuccino would be good."

I nodded. "Why not? I could actually use some caffeine. With all these assignments the teachers dumped on me I think I would have to pull an all-nighter this time."

Jinyoung scoffed. "If you didn't actually skip classes in the first place then there wouldn't be a problem at all. Just be grateful that they're letting you graduate with us this year."

The three of us left the school and headed to a shop near the school's vicinity. We ordered some doughnuts and coffees and ate while trying to study, well, just in my case. Dara sat beside me and was actually trying to teach me Physics while Lee Jinyoung was checking my math test.

"Seriously though I still couldn't shake off the feeling that the witch somehow did something to Nick that was why he was acting weird these couple of days." Lee Jinyoung kept stirring his Coffee Jelly. "You have to admit, Nick wouldn't actually do something like follow Jiyeon all day like a lost puppy."

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