Chapter 15

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Nickhun's Diary

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Nickhun's Diary

I arrived at home in the middle of the night but Hyomin was already at the entry porch, waiting for me to come in. She was pissed off probably because of the news. To be honest, it would be a great loss for our company if we lose the deal with the King Industries.

"Why did you arrive just now?" Hyomin asked. "Where have you been? Didn't you know the state we're in now?"

"Mom, please. I'm tired from driving all night." I headed upstairs but Hyomin grabbed my arm.

"You're a Woo. As much as I hate your guts, you're still a part of this family. You're still carrying your father's name." Hyomin leaned in closer. "So if you want to save this family, I suggest you start learning the drill on running this company with your father."

"That's enough." Dad appeared from his office. "Let him go Hyomin. Can't you see he's tired?"

Hyomin let go of my arm and left without saying a word. Dad ushered me inside his office and I went inside. I could see that he's still working overtime. He always does.

"How's your friend?" Dad sat across me. "Did you find her?"

I nodded. "She's currently staying with her cousin. She refuses to go back to her own house until her parents give up the idea of sending her away."

"That's good." He smiled. "Just tell me if I could do something to help her, okay?"

I nodded again.

"Now, go to rest. I know you're tired. We'll talk again tomorrow." He went to work again. Before stepping outside his office I turned and asked something that I wanted to ask since I got home.

"Dad?" My dad turned. "Is everything alright? Is there something going on within the company?"

He smiled weakly. "Nothing that I can't handle, son."

Although I'm not so convinced I let it go. I still didn't want myself to get involved in the family business if I could still help it. The next morning I found Jinyoung leaving the teachers' lounge. I went to greet him.

"Hey! What's going on? How's Dara?"

"She's staying home for now." Jinyoung stretched. "Man, I'm beat!"

"And her parents?"

"Aunt Eunie was trying to talk it over with Dara but she's not giving in." Jinyoung paused. "How about you? How's your dad?"

"It's not that bad." I said. "I guess dad was trying to control the damage for now."

"Well that's a relief." Jinyoung handed me a pamphlet. "I hate going to field trips alone."

"That's right, I almost forgot. We still have our field trip this weekend." I opened the pamphlet. It was about the place where we will be going.

"I heard it's near the place where you usually came to visit during your childhood." Jinyoung smiled knowingly. "You still want to look for that girl?"

I smiled back. "Shut up. By the way, is Dara coming too?"

"Oh, she'll come alright." Jinyoung scratched his forehead. "I couldn't make her stay."

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. She got us to take care of her." I patted Jinyoung on the back. Just as we made a turn to our room, we happened to bump into Suzy along the way.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Hey." She acknowledged me with a nod. "About last night, I'd like to—"

"Look who's here." Sunny appeared from the door with Jiyeon at her side. "The future daughter-in-law of GD Corp's CEO. Congratulations, I guess you and Cha Jiyong are an item now."

Suzy glared at them but clearly she was bothered by it. She started clenching her fists.

"Okay ladies, I think that's enough bullying for today." It was Jinyoung. "It's too early to start a cat fight."

Then we heard ruckus inside the classroom.

"Oh we forgot to tell you." This time, it was Jiyeon. She turned to Suzy. "Your fiancé's looking for a fight with that boy, Minho."

"What?" Suzy ran inside the room. Jinyoung followed her. I tried to follow them but Jiyeon grabbed my arm.

"Let go." I said. "I have to stop them."

"Why?" she asked. "Jiyong doesn't treat you as a friend and he's Suzy's fiancé. Let her handle him."

I know she was right but I just can't stop myself from involving when it comes to Suzy. I freed myself from Jiyeon's grip and ran after my friends. When I entered the room, Suzy and Jinyoung were already at Minho's side. The poor guy's lip was bleeding. I saw Jiyong with his friends from the other class, Taeyang and Seungri. They were standing together; clearly it wasn't a fair fight.

"What do you think you're doing?" Suzy stood up.

"Step aside." Jiyong's gaze was locked with Minho who was rubbing his jaw.

"No!" Suzy held her ground. "If I let you do this, you'll get into trouble again."

"I said step aside!" Jiyong shouted and advanced towards Suzy so I stepped forward.

"That's enough!" I put myself between Suzy and Jiyong.

Jiyong scoffed. "You again. Step aside Nick! I have to teach him a lesson. He shouldn't have done that." Jiyong advanced again but I pushed him back. He struggled to free himself but I grabbed him firmly by the shoulders.

"Jiyong!" I shouted. Jiyong turned to me. I finally got his attention. I lowered my voice so that we're the only ones who could hear it. "Listen to me. If you punch this guy one more time, you're not only getting into trouble with the school but also with your dad." I felt him flinch. "We both know what he'll do to you if he found out about this." He paused and looked away but the tension on his shoulder was not going away. "And Dara. Think about her. You'll never get her back if you continue doing this." Finally, I felt him relax.

"Jiyong!"Teayang called out. "Come on man."

Jiyong brushed me off but he didn't go after Minho again. He stormed outside the room followed by his friends. Jinyoung helped Minho get up.

"You better get that treated as soon as possible." Jinyoung told Minho.

"Thanks." Minho replied.

"Just because I helped you out this time don't mean I forgot what you just did with my cousin." Jinyoung said. "Just please tell me nothing happened between you two in that room?"

"Of course not!god!" Minho went to his seat, holding his jaw.

I looked at Jinyoung. "Seriously?"

Jinyoung just shrugged. "Just asking. No harm done."

"So dramatic!" We heard Sunny on the other side of the room. Then the teacher came in, holding a load of pamphlet.

"That's enough chit-chat for today. Go back to your seat now." All of us returned to our respective seats. "So class, who's excited for the School field trip?"

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