Chapter 44

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Jinyoung's Diary

My brother, Young Deuk was still holding my arm, not letting me go until we could reach the underground parking lot of the hospital. While Hyung was reading something on his phone, I was tapping my foot uncontrollably on the elevator floor, still worried about what Cha Jiyong will do. I still couldn't forget he made Dara cry for how many times already.

"Hyung we need to go back up there." I told him.

Deuk-hyung paused and looked at me, staring. " Seriously? What's wrong with you today? Do you have a problem with that Cha Jiyong guy?"

"I uh—" I stammered.

My brother sighed. "You know what? I get it."

I felt my eyebrows twitched on the other side.

Duek-hyung rubbed his temples. "I know how your relationship with Dara is. You're close with one other. You practically grew up together that you might've been twins."

That brought something out from my memories, the day they told me that Dara actually had a twin and an older brother once who died a long time ago that she didn't know of.

"Look Jin-ah, I know you're worried about Dara's well-being and I really like that." Hyung paused. "I like how you take care of her more than anyone from this family but you don't have to be so complex about it."

That got my attention. "Who says anything about me being complex? I don't have an issue about Dara. I don't even give a damn about what she does with her life but I do have an issue with that Cha Jiyong. I don't exactly trust the guy."

"What exactly did that guy do to warrant this kind of behaviour from you?" My brother waited for me to answer.

I hesitated. I couldn't exactly tell him about Dara's relationship with that guy or what exactly happened between them because it was not mine to tell so I told him the next thing that popped up inside my head.

"Well, I hate that he's cooler than me."

Deuk-hyung reached out and pinched my left ear. "Yah! Lee Jinyoung!"

"Ah! Ah! Yah! That hurts." I whimpered. "Let go hyung!"

My brother let go and eyed me suspiciously until the elevator door rang, indicating that we've reached the ground floor. My brother and I straightened ourselves to leave and when the door opened, I was surprised to see Ham Jiyeon, waiting to board the very same elevator. She saw me and her eyes widened as soon as my brother and I got out.

I scowled, wondering what she was doing in a hospital like this. She couldn't have been here for Dara so I asked her the question I wanted to ask. "Ham Jiyeon-sshi, what are you—"

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