Chapter 47

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Jiyong's Diary

After we had our little talk back at the hospital, we decided to resign for the night. All of us except for Dara went back home. Lee Jinyoung wanted to stay with her but Dara wouldn't allow him. She told him to get some sleep first. Since Go Minho didn't bring his bike with him, Suzy decided to drop him off on the way. Jiyeon called for her driver and picked her up soon after. I on the other hand chose to linger a little longer.

"You need to go home now." Dara said.

We were both inside her designated room. She was now lying on her bed waiting to fall asleep while I chose to sit on a chair beside her, holding her hand on mine. Dara was facing me while fiddling my fingers, counting them.

I shook my head. "I don't want to."

"Yah!" Dara stopped toying with my fingers. "Your dad might get worried."

"I don't care." I said, scowling. "Not after what he'd done. He's been like that ever since Mom left. No, he's always been like that, maybe that's why Mom left him."


"Dad's too ambitious." I added. "He will do anything and stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He wouldn't care if he crashed someone else's business on the process."

"Yah! He's still your dad." Dara paused. "Come on, get your butt off that chair and go home. I don't want Jae Hyun-oppa catching us together like this."

That made me smile. "What? What exactly are we doing?"

Dara blushed. "Don't get me wrong. Jae Hyun-oppa said that he'll do my daily check-up early this morning and it's kind of late and you're supposed to be at home right now. And besides..." Dara cleared her throat. "It's wrong for a girl and a boy to be left alone inside a room especially this late at night."

"Yah! What's wrong with that? We're already dating."

"Yah! Cha Jiyong." Dara reached out and pinched my left ear.

"Ah! Ah! Yah! That hurt!"

"Just go home already!" Dara shouted.

Dara kicked me out of her room so she didn't exactly give me much choice. I went home. I didn't exactly go to the Hospital with my car. When Dara's cousin, Woo Young-hyungnim called me to ask if Dara came to me after running away from the hospital, I immediately went out from the house and called for a taxi. I didn't exactly have the time to look for my car key.

I called for a cab and rode for home. I got out a few meters away from the house thinking I didn't want any trouble getting caught for sneaking out from the house so I just walked. When I was almost at the gate, I saw someone clad in shadow, hovering near the gate. It got me curious so I decided to sneak towards the mysterious visitor.

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