Chapter 38

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Dara's Diary

I was out most of the time. There was a time when I would regain my consciousness but it would only last for a couple of minutes thenI would lose consciousness again after. I could hear voices around me, some I recognized and some, I didn't. One of the voices I could identify among the crowd was Minho's.I stirred. I wanted to open my eyes but it felt heavy. After a few more try, I've finally able to open my eyes for a brief moment.

I saw myself lying on a patient bed inside the Emergency Room along with the other people and that was when I realized that I was in a Hospital. I could actually recognize this place. I've been here far too many times already that I lost count. I looked around and saw Minho hovering near me talking to a young-looking Doctor. The way they talked among each other indicated that they might've actuallyknown one another.

"I already told you hyung, it's not us." Minho whispered.

Hyung? Minho has a brother? How come we didn't hear about it?

"They came at her because of their grudge against her father." Minho continued."You knew Senator Park Yoo Jin right? That's her Dad. And because of the petition he submitted to the senate, their family's life is in constant danger."

The young Doctor Minho was talking to, looked angry and frustrated. "But it still doesn't change the fact that she got hurt! It probably would put all of usinto a difficult position, not to mention it would actually give the Anti-Mafia supporters the reasons to hate us more and get rid of the Mafia for good."

Minho scoffed. "You're talking about that now? Jae Hyun-hyung, those bastards just tried to hurt my friend in front of me! Someone has to pay."

"Minho-ah, you're not actually talking about attacking those people in their hideout right?" The kind Doctor scowled. "It would just create more chaos and destruction, not to mention a lot of people will get hurt if you try and attack them."

"Oh a lot of people will get hurt alright and I'll make sure it will be those bastards."

I wanted to stop Minho from doing something reckless but my eyelids began to feel heavy. I tried to stay awake but my will failed me and I drifted myself back to sleep. The next time I woke up, Mom, Jinyoung and Nickhun were already at my side. I was no longer in the Emergency Room. I was already in a private room in the same Hospital.

"Look!" I heard Nick's voice. "She's awake."

I saw Jinyoung stood from his chair. "I'll call the Doctor."

And just like that, my cousin left the room to call the Doctor in-charge of me. I turned to Mom who also was on her feet now and started caressing my hair.

"How are you feeling my dear?" Mom looked tired and there were dark circles under her eyes. "I'm so glad you're alright." Mom kissed my forehead.

I smiled and turned to Nickhun. "You're here?"

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