Chapter 28

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Jiyeon's Diary

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Jiyeon's Diary

Sunny and I were having our nails done at a famous salon when we saw Nickhun passed by. He looked like he was in a hurry. We both exchanged knowing looks and immediately left to follow him. We took a taxi and ended up in an exclusive restaurant.

"What'll we do now?" Sunny asked beside me. We were hiding behind a series of benches across the restaurant where Nick went. "Do we follow him inside?"

"Are you stupid or what?" I rolled my eyes at her. "We'll definitely get caught if we went inside. He'll immediately see us. We'll wait out here."

"What?" Sunny looked horrified. "I didn't even put any sunblock on."

We waited. While waiting for Nick to come out from the restaurant, a memory popped up inside my head, back at the camp while we were still playing capture the flag.

One day ago:

"Tch, that little runt!" I cursed. I was actually trying to hunt Suzy down according to Lee Jinyoung's plan but what I was actually trying to do was not for the team's sake. I was actually holding a grudge with that wench. "Where did that bitch hide? I swear I'm going to kill her."

I continued walking on the path when I heard a scream a few meters where I just came from. I flinched and bolted towards the direction where I heard the scream. I stopped and looked around.

"Yah! Kim Suzy! I know you're here somewhere."

I noticed a big cavern made from giant roots. I went inside to check if Suzy was actually hiding inside but she was nowhere to be found. Just then I noticed a broken root near the hiding place I found. Kim Suzy was definitely here. I scanned my surroundings for any signs of the wench and finally saw her at the bottom of a cliff.

My eyes widened. "Yah! Kim Suzy!"

She looked hurt but I didn't see any blood on her head. I started shaking. What should I do during this time? I should probably call someone for help. I was getting on my feet now when something inside me made me stop.

"Are you sure you want to do that? She's your rival you know." I heard someone talked inside my head. "Nick likes her. Do you really want to help her?"

I looked down at Kim Suzy and she was still unconscious. She looked hurt.

But she's not bleeding. Who knows maybe she's just unconscious and will wake up soon.

I saw her stirred below.

See? She's okay. You're worrying for nothing. Just go back there and act like nothing's wrong.

I swallowed hard. I brushed myself off and decided to leave. She deserved it. Nick only belongs to me and no one else at that matter. We would get married after we graduate from college and I would do anything for it to happen.

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