Chapter 27

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Nickhun's Diary

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Nickhun's Diary

An hour after we found Suzy, we all went back to the camp and cleaned ourselves before heading to our sleeping tents. Some students decided to spend the last night looking at the stars. Some toasted some marshmallows while the other just stayed near the camp fires, getting warmed up.

Tomorrow, we would be heading to the city where we would spend our last day shopping and whatever the other students wanted to do for our free time. As for me, I have an appointment with my birth mother. I was actually excited and scared at the same time. I haven't actually talked to her since I saw her ten years ago so I was kind of nervous about it. My only contact to her was through Moon Suah.

As if on cue, my phone rang.

The teachers finally gave our phones back after we successfully displayed our teamwork through playing the game capture the flag. And somehow, we pompously lost the game but still, we enjoyed the thrill it gave us for a short period of time.

I opened my phone and read the message I got from Moon Suah. "Don't forget our date Woo Nickhun-sshi. We'll wait for you."

I smiled and texted back. "Hey, just when did I break any promises I made? You got yourself a deal, Moon Suah-sshi."

"What are you smiling for?" I heard Lee Jinyoung. He was stoking the fire with a stick.

I hurriedly put my phone away and turned towards him. The three of us, Lee Jinyoung, Go Minho and I were spending our last night by toasting some marshmallows and helping ourselves with some hot chocolate drinks.

"Nothing." I replied.

I haven't actually told him about my plan of secretly meeting my birth mother tomorrow although he already had an idea that I was a mistress' son. I just wanted to make sure that my long awaited meeting with my mother would be a peaceful one.

"I was just happy." I answered.

"Happy that you lost to us?"Jinyoung smirked. I tried to hit him on the head but he blocked it with his arms.

"Yah! Lee Jinyoung, we lost that one on purpose." I lied.

"blahblahblah." Jinyoung gestured with his hands. "Loss is still a loss, my man."

I laughed. "Whatever. Where's your cousin?" I looked around but there was no sign of Dara.

Jinyoung sagged. "She's sick."

"What?" It got me worried. Dara's been that way ever since we were in Middle School that was why I never let her out of my sight.

"You're overreacting." Go Minho stated. He was in the middle of toasting his marshmallow. "Lee Jinyoung's just messing with you."

I looked at Jinyoung and he was giggling.

"Aishh... Yah! Lee Jinyoung. That's not funny." I turned to Minho this time. "Where's she?"

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