Chapter 18

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Jiyong's Diary

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Jiyong's Diary

"Man! I think I have a cramp in my leg." I turned to Seungri who was rubbing his leg. We finally arrived at our destination but instead of heading towards our hotel accommodations, we were sent up in the mountain.

"I thought we're heading straight for our hotel accommodations in the heart of the city?" Taeyang noted. "Instead, they brought us in the heart of the jungle."

I scanned my surroundings, looking for someone. There! I saw her, surrounded by her friends. Dara was rubbing both of her hands together.

"Alright!" It was Miss Song. She's holding a mega phone. "Gather around children. You might be wondering what we're doing in this kind of place." Miss Song paused and looked at us. "Part of our school curriculum is to teach the students to be independent. It will be necessary in the future because some of you will have to take over your family business."

"So? What are we doing here in the middle of nowhere?" Ham Jiyeon asked.

"This 'middle of nowhere' will be your campsite." Miss Song smiled. "This is where you'll cook, eat, bath and sleep. Isn't it exciting?"

The whole class broke out of argument. Some fainted while the others just stood frozen out of shock.

"Unbelievable!" Taeyang brushed his hair out of frustration. "They can't let us stay out here. It's freezing."

"Relax." I said. "It's just for two nights."

Miss Song clapped her hands. "Don't worry, there's a hot spring nearby. Now, I will be dividing you into pairs. This person you'll be pairing up with will be your work buddy at the same time I want you to watch out for each other. This place is big, you might get lost.

"Miss Song?" This time, Choi Sunny raised her hand.

"Yes Choi Sunny-sshi?"

"If you want a pair who can watch out for each other, why don't we let Jiyeon and Nickhun, Suzy and Jiyong to pair up since both of them are engaged with each other?"

Curse that wench! I'll get her the next time I got my claws on her. I turned to Miss Song who was contemplating with the idea. I also saw Suzy who was as distressed as me at the idea. It was a good thing we hate each other. At least it was something that we could agree with.

"You're right." Miss Song nodded and from that moment on I just knew that this field trip would suck. I caught a glimpse of my old friend, Nickhun who was throwing a longing look towards Suzy. I pushed the thought aside and turned to Dara who refused to look at me. Sunny threw a knowing smile atJiyeon who clearly was enjoying the discomfort Suzy was showing.

"Next." Miss Song called out. "Lee Jinyoung and Choi Sunny."

"What?" Choi Sunny shrieked. "You're pairing me with this weirdo?"

"E-hem."Jinyoung stepped forward. "Miss Song I must say that your way of choosing this paring is remarkably comprehensible. I didn't know that you'll be pairing my brilliant mind to someone's not so brilliant."

The whole class laughed. I must give it to Jinyoung, he knew how to insult someone with style. Sunny glared at Lee Jinyoung but he just sneered back at her.

"That's enough. We move on to the next." Miss Song looked at her list. "Go Minho and Park Sandara."

That totally ruined my day! How could this kind of guy rile me so much? I felt my fists clenching. I wanted to punch this guy all over again. Of all the people who could be Dara's partner, why it have to be this guy? Miss Song continued calling out the pairings until no one left.

"Now, later this afternoon, families will be arriving soon for the feeding program." Miss Song continued. "I want you to settle in your tent. Of course the Boys' tent will be separated from the Girls'. Other than that, you're free to choose whoever you want as a tent mate. There will be two campers per tent. After you settled into your own tent, I want you to report back here for your work assignments."


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