Chapter 21

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Suzy's Diary

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Suzy's Diary

Jiyong was hiding himself behind the bushes when I arrived. He was spying on Dara and Minho.

"Yah! Cha Jiyong! What are you doing hiding behind the bushes?"

Jiyong stumbled. I almost laugh but he suddenly grabbed me and pulled me beside him. "Yah!" Jiyong gritted. "Are you crazy?"

"Who's hiding behind the bushes now?" I countered. "Just apologize to her and get it over with. Dara's not that kind of person. She never holds grudges."

"It's not that simple." Jiyong continued spying on them.

I was starting to get bored so I joined him. I saw Jinyoung and Sunny on the other side. They were fighting. Jinyoung with his rolled up pants was trying to fill up his bucket. Half of his body was already submerge in the water.

"Yah! How much longer are you going to sit there?" Jinyoung yelled over where Sunny was trying to apply a sun block to her skin.

Sunny glared at him. She picked up her pail and threw it towards Jinyoung. Jinyoung stumbled and fell butt first. Sunny laughed. Even Dara and Go Minho snickered not too far from them.

"Yah! What do you think you're doing?" Jinyoung stood up, dripping wet.

"Get it yourself!" Sunny shouted. "And besides, I've already reached my quota for the day." Sunny grabbed a hairbrush from her side pocket and started brushing her caramel hair.

Jinyoung gaped at her. "You manage to carry just ONE pail, just ONE!"

"So? I'm tired." Sunny scoffed. She settled on a big rock and looked at herself in the mirror.

"God! I think I'm going to be crazy talking with this woman." Jinyoung groaned.

"Too close, too close!" I heard Jiyong gritted beside me. I turned to where he was looking at and saw Dara and Go Minho jumping from rock to rock while holding each other's hand. "Aishhh! Who do you think he is, holding Dara's hand like that?"

I sighed. "If he wouldn't hold Dara's hands, she'll fall you dumbass. Do you really want her to fall?"

Jiyong stifled.

"Hold on." We could hear Go Minho's voice. "This rock's kind of slippery." He scanned the area for another rock they could jump into but there was nothing. "Here." Go Minho turned his back towards Dara. "Climb on. There's no other way, I'll just have to carry you across the river."

"What?" Dara became flustered. Although she was always given more attention than she could asked for, she doesn't really used to being pampered like that. She took a step backward and she almost fell from the rock. Minho managed to reach out in time and pulled her back towards him.

"Are you okay? That was close." Go Minho asked. Although he was inches apart from Dara, he doesn't seem to mind the closeness while I could almost see Dara turning red.

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