Chapter 11

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Jiyeon's Diary

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Jiyeon's Diary

I was in my room, spending my miserable life staring at the ceiling. Nickhun was trying to reach me these past few days but I refused to listen to his lectures so I ignored all his calls. After I received those threats form Cha Jiyong, I started distancing myself from that bitch Dara. But I didn't understand, why would Cha Jiyong care if I hurt her? They're not friends anymore. Even I could tell that he despises Nickhun and his group.

I rolled on my bed and reached the remote from the side table. I sat up and turned the television on. I was surprised to see Dara's face plastered in the front headline: Daughter of a Famous Politician, Missing. I turned the volume up.

The daughter of the famous politician, Senator Park Yoo Jin had been reported missing this afternoon. Park Sandara is the only daughter of Mrs. Park Eunie and Senator Park Yoo Jin. According to reports, the girl was last seen running away from some strange men three blocks away from their home. The Park family haven't given their statement yet but according to a witness she saw the girl struggling to run away from her pursuers when a young man appeared and took the girl away with his bike.

"Yes, I saw her running away from home and a group of men wearing suits were chasing after her." The witness said. "Then a young man appeared and saved her."

"Do you think she was kidnapped?" the reporter asked.

"Oh no, I don't think so." The witness replied. "According to what I saw, the girl went with the guy willingly."

As of now, the police couldn't tell if it was a kidnapping or just another case of a girl running away from home.

I was still listening to the report when my phone rang. It was Sunny.

"Hey, what's up?" I answered.

"Have you heard the news?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm watching it right now." I answered my eyes still on the screen.

"Not that one." She sounded like agitated. "I have a major scoop to share with you. Just open your laptop and I'll send you the link."

I reached for my laptop. I opened the link Sunny sent me and I was surprised to see the familiar faces before me.

"Is this for real?" I asked Sunny over the phone.

"Yup. I think it is." She answered excitedly. "Some paparazzi got a few shots of them having dinner in some luxurious restaurant this evening."

"Okay." I was lost for words. "I got to go Sunny, I'll call you later."

I hanged up and continued staring at the internet news with some pictures taken by some sneaky reporters. In the first photo, I saw Cha Jiyong with his dad eating dinner with Kim Suzy and the CEO of the King Industries, who probably must be her dad. The second photo shows Cha Jiyong leaving the restaurant with Kim Suzy. The third photo was also him, ushering Kim Suzy inside his car. Above the photos was the headline that read: "Heir of GD Corp to be wed to King Industries' heiress."


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