Chapter 22

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Jinyoung's Diary

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Jinyoung's Diary

It was evening already. The whole class was shivering under the cold night air. Under their thick branded parka, the students huddled around their campfires. The teachers started handing us warm cocoa that would warm our bodies up. I, together with my cousin, Nickhun, Suzy and surprisingly the new guy, Go Minho were huddled together under one of the campfires.

"Err, why is he here?" I asked, looking over where Go Minho was sitting next to my cousin. "I mean, with us?"

I saw my cousin glared back at me. I returned her glare and shrugged.

"Don't be a jerk to your cousin Jin." Nickhun scolded. He was stoking the fire at the moment. "And it was a given Minho sits with us since he's Dara's partner." He looked over at Minho and gave him a small nod. "Don't mind him. You're welcome here anytime."

"Thanks, appreciate it." Go Minho said.

I didn't have anything against the guy really but there was something about him that made me a little irritated. Maybe because he had the guts to be like that? I heard about him, actually I knew everything about my classmates more than they knew themselves. In Go Minho's case, he grew up with a broken family. His parents were divorced that was why he grew up like a douche, well, not entirely. Maybe a little? He doesn't care about anything in this world. He had what it takes to stand up against his parents. Maybe that was the reason why I hated the guy. He had something that I lacked. Courage.

"What?" I heard Suzy whispered beside me. "Do you feel threatened towards the new guy?" She teased. "Are you scared he would steal everything from you? Your cousin and your best friend included?"

I scoffed. "Really? Is that the best you can come up with?"

We have this little game me and Kim Suzy. Every time we see each other, we would always tease one another to the point where the other would reach his or her limit and breaks down from irritation or admission.

"What? You have to admit Nick's prone to this kind of thing. First Jiyong, then you. I have a feeling Go Minho's next."

"What are you talking about? Nick's not that kind of person." I defended. "Besides we've known each other since we were first year in high school."

"But Jiyong's his childhood friend." Suzy emphasized. "They've known each other longer than you two."

"But I know some things Jiyong doesn't know himself." I concluded. That made Suzy perked up. "Although Nick's a good guy, not everything in his life is good."

"What do you mean?" Suzy asked. I got her now. "What secrets? Does it have anything to do with that girl you mentioned this morning?"

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