Chapter 42

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Jiyeon's Diary

I was meeting up with Sunny to do some shopping. Her birthday was coming up so I promised her to keep her company while shopping for her dress for that special night. I was already on my way to the living room when Mom called me. I was surprised. I didn't know she was home. Normally, she would be working at this hour. Well, she's always working overtime actually.

I paused and stared at her, looking bored. Mom was sitting on a single sofa adjacent to me. She was drinking her tea while reading something from a newspaper. I kept standing there like an idiot but Mom never spoke again since the moment she called me earlier.

"What is it?" I demanded, unenthusiastically. I was getting impatient. "I still need to meet Sunny after this."

Mom gave me a sceptical look. "Why don't you come here and sit first so that we could have a proper talk?" Mom gestured to the sofa adjacent to hers.

I groaned but came to sit next to her. "Now what? Don't tell me you're going to lecture me for giving you an attitude the other day in front of Nick's folks? Don't bother coz I'm just going to do it again."

I moved to stand and walked out of there but Mom stopped me.

"Ham Jiyeon!" Mom shouted and I felt myself flinch. "Sit down."

I obliged without saying anything. I was so surprised to see Mom act that way. I never saw her so forceful like this before. Usually, she would just call my name then sighed.

Mom put down her cup of tea. She looked so calm and composed that I didn't expect her to say something so absurd in my entire life. "I want you to break off your engagement with Woo Nickhun."

I gaped at her. "What?"

"You heard me." Mom crossed her legs. "You're going to break off your engagement with Woo Nickhun."

I scoffed. "Are you hearing yourself right now? You wanted us to break off the engagement? Are you serious?"

"What's the matter?" Mom asked, unnerved. "The boy didn't actually like you, so what's wrong with what I said?"

"Wow Mom, thanks." I glared at her.

Mom just sighed. "Look, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings my dear but let's face the truth here." Mom edged closer and grabbed both my hands. "This whole engagement thing won't even work at all. I saw the way Nick looks at you and let me tell you that there was nothing romantic going on at all. He doesn't love you and he won't. Maybe as a sister but not more than that."

I stood on my feet and glared at my mother. "And what exactly did you know about love?" I accused. Mom looked aghast. "You couldn't even mourn your own husband's death. You just left like that. You even left your own daughter to tend forherself!"

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