Chapter 31 - A Boys Over Flower 2 Cross-over Part 2

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Jinyoung's Diary

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Jinyoung's Diary

I could say that the party was a huge success. Everyone applauded when Kim Suzy and Cha Jiyong were introduced to the public. When Cha Jiyong slipped an expensive ring on Kim Suzy's hand, everyone cheered and was actually talking about it. After the engagement ceremony, everyone began to eat. I decided to give my greetings to Kim Suzy myself and invited Dara to come with me but she refused so I just came on my own.

I saw Kim Suzy standing with Cha Jiyong by the hall's exit with both of their parents hovering near them, talking to their friends. Jiyong and Suzy were all smiles while greeting their guests who came to congratulate them. They must be tired wearing those smiles on their faces. I was actually going to greet them when I bumped into someone. I looked down and saw Soo Lee Hi rubbing her nose.

Soo Lee Hi was the daughter of the famous clay artist, Soo Yi Jung and Soo Gaeul, an art teacher in a famous Arts School. They were a family of gifted artists. My Mom actually bought some of their works.

"Oops... Sorry about that. Are you hurt?" I asked.

She was still rubbing her nose when I noticed that she was still eating and she actually got the time to bring her half-eaten cake with her. She stopped and looked at me for the first time. She looked panicked and kept looking at her back. It looked like she was running away from someone.

"Are you okay?" I asked again.

This time she answered. "I'm okay. I uh... just getting another slice of cake. This strawberry cake sure is delicious."

I looked at her plate. She had a chocolate cake with her. I scowled. Then I noticed that she had an icing on the right side of her face so I reached out to wipe it for her. She flinched but kept still.

"There. All better." I smiled at her.

She smiled back. "Thanks."

"Lee Jinyoung?" We both turned and saw Kim Suzy coming towards us, Cha Jiyong on her heels. "What are you doing here?"

I turned to Lee Hi. "I got to go. Are you going to be okay on your own?"

Lee Hi smiled the last time and nodded. And she left with her cake.

I turned to Suzy. "I was invited of course. Wait, actually everyone is invited." I smiled. "By the way, congratulations on your engagement." I gave the both of them a mocking smile.

"Stop that or I'll smack you on the head." Suzy looked around. "Where are the others? Did you come here alone?"

"Nick didn't come. I believe he's banned to attend to this certain kind of event." I answered and threw a quick glance at Cha Jiyong's Dad. "And Dara actually refused to see you guys and decided to hang around somewhere."

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