Chapter 12

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Jinyoung's Diary

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Jinyoung's Diary

Nickhun and I were at my Aunt Eunie's house waiting for any kind of news of my missing cousin when I received a call from Suzy. I sent her a photo earlier of the bike that was used by the man who took Dara.

"Suzy?" I answered the phone immediately. "Is there any news?" Beside me, Nickhun leaned in closer towards me.

"Nothing much." She answered. Both Nickhun and I slumped. "But, I got a hold of some places where the bike might have stopped. I'll send it you."

A few seconds later my phone rang. I opened the file Suzy sent me and I saw a photo of a map with red dots on it. I turned my phone back to my ear.

"Thanks Zy but where did you get this? This information might have been hard to acquire."

"Umm..." There's hesitation in her voice, I could tell. "From someone private, so private that this person might get into trouble if the information gets out so let's keep it to ourselves for now, okay?"

"Sure, no problem." I'm starting to get curious but I let it go. There were still a lot of things we have to do for now. It could wait. "Thanks again."

I handed the phone to Nickhun.

"Hey Zy, it's me." Nickhun greeted. "Where are you now?" There's a pause. "What? What are you doing there?" then I heard a scream. It was Suzy. It was so loud that Nickhun had to keep the phone away from his ear momentarily. I leaned in closer to Nickhun.

"What is it? What happened?" Nickhun was practically shouting over the phone. "Are you okay?"

We heard a loud bang. "Turn on the fucking headlight, you idiot!" It was Suzy. "I'm fine guys." She turned to us again. "It was my stupid driver. I'm currently heading to Busan right now. We're trying to look for Dara there."

It was very faint but we heard a familiar voice talking behind the background. "Why do I have to share this information with those idiots?"

"Shut the hell up. They'll hear you!" Suzy tried to muffle her voice with her hands on the mouth piece. Nickhun and I just stared at each other.

"I'm sorry guys but I have to hang up for now. I'll call you again if we ever foundDara. Bye."

Nickhun returned my phone. "What's going on with her?"

I just shrugged. "So what now?"

Nickhun grabbed something from his pocket and showed a dangling key. "Pack your stuff. We're going after them."

"Now that's a field trip."

We rode Nickhun'sfortuner and went straight to Busan, following the map Suzy gave us earlier. Nickhun was behind the wheel while I was riding shot gun. It was starting to rain when I remembered something from the past. It was when I almost got Dara killed.

We were just little kids back then. We were playing outside our family's vacation house, when an ice cream man passed by. I ran outside to buy some but I didn't know my cousin ran after me. She was almost got hit by a passing car. She got away with some scratches and a broken arm. I felt bad, really bad that I cried the whole night and refused to leave Dara's side so I slept beside her that night. When she woke up the next morning she showed me her crumpled money and told me that I can't buy the ice cream from the ice cream man without the money.

I was still smiling from the memory when I heard a ring from Nickhun's phone. He answered it at the third ring. I turned to my own phone and opened the newsfeed to check if there's any news regarding Dara but I found another shocking news instead.

"What?" I heard Nickhun. "I can't, I'm still out looking for my friend." There's a pause. "What do you mean by problem?"

"Hey Nick, I think I know what they mean by problem.

I showed Nickhun the shocking news I saw earlier. There, in bold letters was written: "Heir of GD Corp to be wed to King Industries' heiress."

"Your dad isn't going to be happy about this." I stated. "The throne had just been claimed by the other kingdom."

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