Chapter 23

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Minho's Diary

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Minho's Diary

We wore our protective gear under our team coloured shirt. The students were talking with hushed tone. Some were excited but most of them were scared. Who wouldn't be? The atmosphere was like a real war is about to begin. Since Mom was the Secretary of Defence, this kind of situation was not that different from my normal life. Every day of my life is a war.

"You're done already?" I heard someone exclaimed. I turned and saw Woo Nickhun and Kim Suzy still struggling with their vests. "As expected from the son of the Secretary of Defence."

"Stupid vest." Suzy cursed. "I think this one's broken."

"What?" Woo Nickhun turned and pulled Kim Suzy towards him. "Let me see."

I saw Suzy's panicked look. She was conscious towards the guy. I didn't know when it got awkward between them but clearly, Kim Suzy was the only one making a big deal out of it. She looked at me helplessly. I sighed.

I walked towards them. "Here, let me help."

Woo Nickhun looked disappointed but gave way.

I started fastening Kim Suzy's vest. "Your actions giving you away." I told her.

I might be clueless on the happenings of my surroundings but when it came to a person's actions and facial expressions, I could read a person's feelings like an open book. Maybe I got it from my parents. They were too good at reading each other's mind that it ended up breaking our family. Instead of confronting each other, they would just assume the other committed something against them.

"Jinyoug told me the same thing." Suzy sagged.

"Why? Did something happen between you two?"

Suzy flustered. "Nothing. Why would you think that?"

"There it is again." I smirked.

"Stop that." Suzy glared at me. "I hate that."

"Why?" I kept smiling but the humour was all gone now. "Is it because I could read your mind?"

"Okay!" We all heard Ms Song through her mega phone.

I fastened the last belt on Suzy's vest and let her go. "There. You're all set."

"In five minutes, we'll start the game. If you have some strategies in your minds, now is the right time to huddle with your teammates." Ms Song continued. "After your team huddle, we'll give each team the time to hide their respective flag." Ms Song got her plastic gun out. "When I fire this, it means the start of the game. Now, your five minutes starts now."

Each team started to huddle. I saw the other team already grouping themselves into two: the defenders and the attackers. As expected of Lee Jinyoung. He really knows how to lead, not to mention cunning. We really need to watch out for him and his tricks.

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