Chapter 19

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Jiyeon's Diary

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Jiyeon's Diary

We wore our respective gym clothes and reported back to assemble where Ms Song was waiting. There were forty of us which meant there were a total of twenty pairs. Earlier, Sunny and I had a hard time making our own tent. Sunny started complaining as soon as we pulled out our tent from our bags even though she wasn't really doing anything. She was just sitting on her suitcase while I was doing all the hard work. Then from out of nowhere Nickhun decided to help me first before I could have asked him myself. I was smiling the whole time while Nickhun was helping me out and I caught a glimpse of Sunny smiling back at me knowingly.

"Gather around everyone." Ms Song spoke through her megaphone. "Can everyone hear me? Good. In this piece of paper, I wrote the work assignments assigned to each pair. Now, remember that our guests will be arriving three hours from now so chop chop."

I turned to Nickhun who was looking at his phone intently. He texted something back and pressed the send button before turning his attention to the task at hand.

"Who was that?" I asked, a little jealousy crept out from me.

"No one." He answered indifferently and went to check our task of the day.

Our dads were actually childhood friends according to mom but I never had the chance to meet Nick's family because dad died when I was very young and mom decided to move in to America. Just when I was starting to adjust in America, Mom decided to move back to Korea. I was so pissed, I was actually starting to make friends now. One day, Mom said to get dressed because we were having guests. I reckoned it had something to do with why we would leave so I ditched and went to one of my friends' party. I let myself get drunk and when I was totally out of my senses, one of my friends half-carried me to a coffee shop.

"You really are hopeless Jane." Jessica handed me a cup of coffee.

Jane was my English name. I learned to adapt one since I thought we were going to live there anyway. I felt miserable. I could feel my world tilting. I kept groaning and mumbling nonsense.

"Put yourself back together will you? God!" Jessica couldn't take it anymore. She left and went outside to call her parents that she was going to be late.

I thought I was calling for the attention of the waitress to give me some water but maybe it came out as some gibberish. Then a bottle of water was sent to me. I noticed a boy at my age sitting across me and smiling. And just like me, he appeared to be Korean too.

"You look horrible." The boy mused. I didn't realize he spoke in our native tongue.

"And who are you?" I managed to say but it still came out gibberish.

The boy looked at his wrist watch. "Gotta go." This time, he spoke in English. The boy stood up. "And you better drink that and sober up."

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