Legends? Pt 1

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When one is surrounded by ten cops, one usually would raise their hands over their heads and surrender.

Keyword: Usually

Because if one has telekinesis like me then one would merely have to activate these powers, feel the excess energy around the cops and turn it on them.

And then fling them 40 feet backwards.

Then one should pick up the sapphires that one "borrowed without permission" and without any "desire of returning" and walk out.


If a creep with a brown trench coat and short beard walks out of the shadows CONGRATULATING you. Then you might be so surprised you stop short.

And give him ample time to get nearer to you.

Rule No.1 of the criminal world:


I mean how dumb can you be, oh wait haha that's exactly what i did.

"Well done, Miss Jones, very well done," the man said in a British accent.

"But try checking the entire area for witnesses next time."

He pulls out a gun and I inhale sharply glancing around for my escape.

Before I can a bright light engulfs my vision and everything goes black.

When I come to, I feel totally drained. Wherever I am it's ridiculously cold. With a long sigh, I force myself to sit up and open my eyes.

What the actual crap.

I'm on a roof. Yeah. A roof.

It's ridiculously dark and the city lights illuminate the rooftop showing me the dusty ground I've been laying on.

After a cursory glance around, I start in surprise.

There are 8 other people lying next to me on this roof. I'm next to a dude in a blue parka and I groan as I recognize him.

It's Leonard Joseph Snart. Professional thief and the official pain in my rear.

Leonard and I have fought many a time over similar jewels but I usually come out on top. We actually were partners once upon a time. Until he ditched me and I had to escape Iron Heights Prison BY MYSELF. In the meantime, he got a new partner, Mick Rory. A pyromaniac with a fire gun. Nice call there Snart. He's a total loose cannon but Snart likes to think he has some authority over him.

I've met up with Snart and Mick before. We were both trying to steal The Emperor's Jewel. Which was a lot harder than it looked.

I nearly had it but then Dumb and Dumber had to blunder in and complicate things. They stupidly set off the silent alarms and then we fought over the jewel for twenty minutes while the cops surrounded the building.

Basically what ended up happening was Mick escaped with a bloody face AND the jewel but Snart got a broken nose and I got hit over the head and somehow we both got captured. Oh wait that's right, it was Snart's fault.

We blamed each other for the entirety of our 5 hours in a jail cell until Mick had the brains to break us out. Snart had half a mind to leave me there until I reminded him that if he hadn't set off the silent alarm in the museum we wouldn't have gotten stuck in jail.

That went over as well as you'd guess it would and they tried to lock me in but I squeezed past them, ran outside and stole their get away car.

Needless to say, they got caught 3 hours later and returned to jail.

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