He's Calum, Calum Hood

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He’s Calum, Calum Hood (Chapter four)

I took a deep breath and answered to what he told me.

-      And so are the Australian, of what I can see, I smirked at him.

-      Well I guess I have to say thank you. He smirked back. Are you from here?

-      Not really actually, I answered. I leave in Quebec City, which is 3 hours from here. I’m staying at the hotel for three days with my friend, I said gently pointing Lace.

-      Wow! And why did you come here?

-      Well, I think you know the reason, because you’re kind of part of it. I answered shyly.

-      Oh so you’re here for the One Direction show tomorrow? I said smiling at me.

He didn’t look to really care that I liked One Direction, which is very good.

-      So, he said taking a more serious look.  Is your friend single?

Yeah of course, he chose the strategy, talk to one friend to have to other. I should’ve knew it, is just like the other one.

-      Yeah she is, I answered without any emotion.

-      Cool! Because there is a little someone that looks to like her, he said turning back to the black haired one we saw earlier.

Oops, I judged to fast, maybe he isn’t like all of the guys, he may be different. I just wanted to know for his friend, which is kind of sweet from his.

-      Really, I replied looking in the same direction as his. And is the name of your friend?

-      He’s Calum, Calum Hood. He is the bassist of the band.

-      He looks really nice. Why don’t you ask him to come over?

-      Good idea, I’ll go get him, replied Ashton before leaving to his friend.

I turned back to Lace, since it was a long time I looked at her.

-      Look like someone has a new friend, she smirked at me.

-      Yeah, I replied with a huge smile. And guess what, this new friend has a lovely friend too.

-      Oh really, and who is it?

-      You know that black haired guy we wondered who he was.

-      Yeah?

-      Well his name is Calum and he’s the bassist of 5 Second of Summer and he seems to have a little crush on you Bella! I said smiling at her. Ashton went to take him so we could meet you up.

While I was talking to Lace, Ashton was trying to get Calum to come with him but it seems to be hard since it has passed a few minutes since he left me. I didn’t really care because it gave me a few minutes to talk to Lace. We haven’t really had the time to talk since we arrived here, we’ve been busy with the shopping and I’ve been a lot in my mind letting her alone with hers.  We’ve been waiting at the entrance of the Urban Outfitters for like 20 minutes before Ashton came back, but as surprising as it could be without Calum.

-      Hey, why Calum isn’t with you?

-      Well, he told me he’s a bit shy to meet with your friend here. But he also told me he really wants to know her, so I guess we will have to meet later, he said winking at me.

-      Alright, I won’t hide to you that I don’t mind to see you later, I answered with shy smile.

-      I’m glad you think so, he replied with his lovely smile. Which hotel are you staying at? Maybe we can meet there.

-      We are at the Sheraton, it is not very far from where we are now.

-      Are you kidding? He said very surprised by my answer. The band and I are staying there too! What a coincidence.

-      Yeah it is, I said surprised by it too.

-      We are in the room 518, maybe you can come over after diner, said Lace just next to me. If that’s fine with you two, looking at me and Ashton.

-      It is for me, I replied with a smile.

-      It is also to me, said he said looking at Lace thankful for her idea.  We have to continue our way, otherwise Bill won’t be happy. But before we leave, he said as he got his phone out, can I get your phone number?

-      Of course you can, I replied taking his phone from his hand. Here it is, I said smiling and giving it back to him.

He looked down to see that have written my full name, my twitter username, my hotel room number and of course my phone number.

He took his eyes out his phone look into mine to say:

-       This is more than I expected, Mary Hamfield, but I’m happy to have all this info on you, he smirked at me before saying goodbye to both me and Lace with a big smile and an amazing hug. See you later girl!

-      Later, we both replied at the same time.

He joined back his band which they were with Bill, who I guess are their bodyguard. Like the boys we continued our way out the stores and walked down a little bit before entering the H&M store. 

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