We are all starving!

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We are all starving! (Chapter Twenty)

We have waited several minutes for Paul to join us but after half an hour the guys were beginning to be impatient.

-      I do love Paul, but this is taking long! Said Niall a little bit angry.

-      I know. Agreed Liam. Everyone is starving and if we don’t leave soon we will be late for our own show.

-      I’ll go see what is taking so long. I replied to make the guys happier.

-      I come with you! Said Lace almost yelling it even if I was next to her.

I guessed she didn’t want to be all alone with Calum, Niall and Zayn, her almost boyfriend and her two celebrity crushes.

-      Sure! Come over. I replied smiling. We’ll do our best to make it quite quick.

-      Alright! Niall replied tired of waiting for him.

We walked a few minutes in every direction possible to find Paul. We finally found him next to the stage starring at nothing much but the black screen.

-      Hey Paul! I shouted so he could hear me.

-      Hey. He replied. Aren’t you supposed to be waiting for me at the back door with the boys?

-      Well, we were. Started Lace. But we have been waiting for half an hour and you weren’t coming…

-      What? Already? He said confused.

-      Yes… and the boys are literally starving so we went to see if you were finish with your security stuff so we can go. Otherwise we could be late for the show… I managed to say.

-      Umh, yeah. I’m finish. Come on girl we’ll join the boys.

We all headed back to the back door to leave for the restaurant and hopefully there won be a lot of people so we will get serve rapidly and won’t run out of time before the show. When we finally arrived at the door, the guys looked at us with the biggest smile on their face. I could understand, we are all starving and we were waiting for Paul to go eat.

-      Why don’t we go to Bâton Rouge? Asked Harry to the group. It was very delicious last night.

-      Yeah it is a great restaurant. I agreed with him and so did Lace.

-      So let’s go there. Said Paul not caring about where they wanted to go.

We went into the car and did a little drive around the restaurant before parking in a little place and entering the restaurant by the back so no one can see the boys. The lady took us the same place where we were yesterday. It felt a little bit weird because we are at the same place where the story started with Harry. I was just hoping nothing bad will happen between Ashton, Harry and me.

Obviously, I took a sit next to Ashton. Lace sat beside me followed by Calum. Liam sat next to Ashton and after him there was Louis, Paul, Harry and Niall. How we were all sit made me feel a little bit uncomfortable because Harry was just in front of me and Ashton, but he seemed not caring much so I tried to feel the same way.

The waiter took rapidly our order and brought it as rapidly as they could because Paul ask so, he probably didn’t want to be late for the gig tonight, as everybody here. The door was opening in an hour and a half so Lace and I had to make it quick before everyone arrived at the door.

-      Are you excited for tonight girls? Niall asked breaking the silence while we were all eating.

-      We sure are! Answered Lace enthusiast.

-      We have waiting for it for so long that I can’t believe the show is actually tonight! I said completing Lace idea. But what about you guys? It is your first real show in Montreal. I asked smiling at all of them.

-      Well… Started Harry. We are very excited but since it’s our first show we aren’t expecting much from tonight’s show. We will see how it will goes in a few hours. He finished his sentence.

All the boys agreed even 5 Second of Summer.

-      For us. Luke said. We are really expecting nothing. We are a little band from Australia and we won’t think that everyone will know the lyrics or know us. Maybe a few like you had listened to our sings because they knew we were the opening act but we don’t think it will be as crazy as if we are One Direction, obviously. He said a bit sadly but still they all smiled so it didn’t seem that sad. It was just their reality.

Sincerely, I think they underestimate us. I think it is because it’s the first show that everyone will be crazy as shit and will sing and dance all along, even if during 5SOS, if they know or don’t know them. The show tonight will be wicked I am totally sure about it! 

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