Walmart Shopping!

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Walmart Shopping! (Chapter Twenty-Nine)

I passed the entire evening in my bedroom crying because the guys weren’t coming back soon, but I was also angry like I’ve never been before. I wanted to kill Simon! Why can’t he let the guys come to see us? It is unfair! We are only a few hour by cars from them and they have a few days off this time, he just wants to piss us off. The management have been messing with One Direction and now they are messing with the girlfriend of 5 Second of Summer, One Direction’s first act.

When I woke up the next day, Lace was still sleeping. I wasn’t surprise because she is the one who sleeps the most between us two. After a few minutes laying in my bed looking at the boys tweet, I decided to get up and make some breakfast. If there is one meal I enjoy to cook it is definitely breakfast. For our first morning in the house, I decided to do an amazing breakfast for Lace and I. I started to look on internet for pancake’s recipe since I forgot to bring mines from home.

I suddenly heard a door opening from the other end of the house, it was Lace who was now up.

-      Hey Lace. I said with a sleepy voice. I thought of baking some pancake for breakfast this morning, want some?

-      Pancakes? She asks as her sleepy face scatter. I sure want some. What are you making them to?

-      I’ve got a little idea but I keep it a secret.

-      Alright! She answered giving me a look. I’ll go in the shower by the time you make them.

-      Fair enough.

I have finally found a recipe that looked like my grandma’s ones. It only took a few minutes and the pancakes we ready.

-      How many do you want Lace? I shouted so she could hear me from the bathroom.

-      Two please! She answered back.

-      Alright! It will be ready in 5.

I took two pancakes and put it in a plate for Lace and two other for me. I decided to make them with my favourite toppings. I first spread some Nutella on the inside of the pancakes. After it, I put some banana and strawberry’s slice on the Nutella. I rolled up the pancakes taking care of not letting everything go out. I took some whipped cream and put some on the top and finished with an entire strawberry on the top of the whipped cream.

-      It is served. I said to Lace as she gets out of the bathroom.

-      I’M COMING!! She shouted as she runs out to the kitchen. It looks delicious Mary!

-      Thanks! It is my favourite recipe of pancakes. I can make some other time if you want and if you like them. I said smirking.

-      You’re great girl, you know that?

-      Of course I do know it. I laughed.

Lace has eaten the two pancakes in no time, while I haven’t finished my first one.

-      It is even more delicious than it looks like! She said as she sit back on the table chair.

-      Thanks girl. I will surely make them sometimes when we will have time on the morning.

-      Sounds okay. She said with smile on the corner.

-      It’s more than okay Lace, it’s award winning! I replied with a serious and male voice.

We would definitely never stop with that! I think we are stuck with this forever.

-      Are you ready to do some shopping? Asked Lace as she grabs her plate to put it in the dishwasher.

-      Sure, I just need to change clothes and put on some make up. It won’t be long. I answered putting my plate in it as well.

-      Alright! I choose your clothes!

-      Ahah! Fine fashion diva.

Lace really likes clothing and makeup. She is a girl no one can deny that. I always ask her about what I should wear and how I should do my hair. I guess she’s loving it because she has never complain and trust me, she would’ve said it if she was tired of it. We never hide our feelings to each other so if something is wrong about anything we just tell each other.

It took a few second before she decided what I should wear and by that time I had finish my makeup. It wasn’t very complicated, it was just finishing touches. I grabbed what Lace has chosen and put it on. 5 minutes later we were in the car leaving the driveway.   

-      Have you taken the address of the Walmart so we can put it in the GPS… I asked wondering, otherwise we will get lost on our first day alone in Montreal.

-      Yeah, I put it in when you we changing clothes.

-      Great! Let’s do a bit of shopping then!

To my surprise, the Walmart is very close to our house. It took 10 minutes and we were arrived.

Lace and I have made a list of what to buy here before we left Quebec. I am quite organised on some point some it was important for me to write down everything that we would need.  

Until now, we have been here for like 1 hour and we have all what we had on the list and a few more things we forgot to write or just crazy things we wanted like One Direction’s poster and magazines.

-      I think we have everything. Said Lace looking up the car.

-      I think too. Let’s head to the cashier.

In no time we have paid all our stuff and came back to the car, but there was something strange in the parking when we went back to the car… 

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