Small Talk

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Small talk (Chapter Thirty-Two)

After the recording of the show Punk’d with Ashton Kutcher, we headed back to our house. In the car, we were all silent and no music was on, which is not normal for us, there is always music on in our car. I found it very strange and I was kind of sick of this… I wanted to know what was going on between us two.

-      Can you tell me why we don’t talk together or put on some music as usual? I asked looking confused at Lace.

-      I was also wondering why… and I don’t know why. Maybe it is because of the guys prank. Maybe they are right.

-      Lace… I know they are, but it isn’t like we didn’t already trust each other, otherwise we won’t leave together. I replied trying to get us on a positive mood.

-      Probably… She said looking like she has millions of thing going on at the same time in her head.

-      What is wrong? I know that look.

-      Nothing. She answered dryly.

I was a bit frustrated at her that she thinks we don’t trust each other and that we don’t know each other. We may have started talking because of One Direction 2 years ago but sincerely, we have learn to know each other better in 2 years than any other could have in an entire life. There are things I don’t know, but I don’t need to know them and it is the same for her.

I wanted to know what was wrong and I wanted to have an answer now, not in 5 months. So I stopped in a parking in the middle of nowhere between the centre and our house and turn off the car.

-      Now! I said dryly. You are going to tell me everything that is wrong!

-      I told you there is nothing, now go back on the road. She replied looking anywhere else but me.

-      I know there is something and I am not leaving this creepy parking before you tell me what’s up with you.

I looked at her with a very concerned look wanting to know what is going on and try to solve the problem.  

-      Fine! She finally yelled at me angry. I am mad at me. This is why I am like this since we left the Walmart.

-      Why are you mad at you?

-      Because I don’t know if I trust you. And it frustrates me because I know you do trust me.

-      Lace, let me tell you something to change your mind. You convinced me to go to London regardless my parents opinion, you let me sleep i don’t know how many times at your place even if no one was there, you let me drive Garry a few times when you felt too tired to drive, we bought a fucking house and we came to Montreal on our own to study together and you made me change my mind about it. After all those things I think you trust me sweetheart. No one would’ve done all those things with someone they don’t trust.

-      Yeah… I guess you are right.

-      Never underestimate yourself and be happy!

-      I love you Mary Hamfield, you know that?

-      Umh, I think I’ve heard you saying it a couple of times. I answered smiling widely. And I love you too sista!

After our small talk I turned on the car and we headed back to the house. It only took a few minutes and we were arrived home. It was about noon so we had to cook for lunch and we really didn’t know what to do.

I parked the car in the driveway and something grabbed my attention.

-      Lace have you seen that?

-      What? She answered confused, probably because she hasn’t seen it.

-      I think there is someone in the house, I’ve seen something moving inside…

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