What About My Goodnight Kiss ?

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What about my goodnight kiss?  P.O.V Lace (Chapter Fifty-One)

I was very happy that Mary cut all bridges with Ashton. She said all his truth in front of all the fans and he is now so humiliated. The only thing that frustrates me is that she ran away and I don’t have a single clue where she has been. I started walking around the stores to see if I could see her somewhere, when I heard my iPhone beeping. I took it out to see an unknown number messaged me.

Mary sent me to come and take you, meet me at Crystal’s entrance in 5 minutes. – Zayn

Zayn was coming to take me? And why have he asked to come where I work? I just made my way throughout the crowd and went in the direction of the hotel. When I arrived, I saw Zayn waiting for me, sitting on a couch in the lobby.

-        Hey. I said cheerfully as I reach him.

-        Hi Lace. He replied as he saw me. Harry told me to bring you to the restaurant so he could be alone with Mary, just as she wishes.

-        Hum alright, but where is she at the moment? How is she doing?

-        She left with Harry not so long before you arrived. She isn’t on her best but she’ll be fine with him, don’t worry.

-        Oh okay. I am no worrying about Harry taking care of her; I think he’s the best person for that.

-        Good, then where do you want to go? He asked getting up from the couch.

-        I don’t know I let you choose. I said giving him a nice smile.

-        I’ll bring you to one of the greatest restaurant I’ve been told to in here.

-        What’s the name?

-        It’s a surprise. He smirked at him.

We left the hotel and went straight to the restaurant. We’ve been stopped by some fans, but he hasn’t taken long, which made me very thankful. I don’t really like being in screaming girl crowd.

We finally arrived at the restaurant and I was very amazed by how it was presented. It is called FireGrill Restaurant and Bar. The interior was very beautiful, there fireplace at some place in the restaurant. The walls were in either light beige bricks or dark brown wood. There were abstract painting at some tables and the lights were down for a romantic atmosphere.

-        This restaurant is amazing. I said amazed, turning to face Zayn.

-        Told you it was the best one. He replied smiling widely at my reaction.

The lady at the reception assigned us at a private table, as Zayn asked.


We’ve had such at the restaurant tonight. I didn’t know Zayn could be a goofy guy, I just saw him very serious and not being the funny guy I was with tonight. We haven’t talked about anything than us, it was just perfect. Never in a millions years I could’ve imagine live a moment like this with him.

We went back to his hotel to have a spa time together. We could say also a midnight bad but weren’t naked, since it would’ve been weird since he’s kind of my friend now and I am with Cal so…

But anyway, while we were in the spa, I heard my phone ringing from the table where I left it.

-        I gotta take it, it is maybe Mary. I said as I got up from my place.

-        Mary! I yelled through the phone as I answered.

-        No it isn’t Mary, it’s actually Harry Lace. He replied laughing.

-        Then you’re with Mary if you have her cellphone? I asked wondering why she hasn’t called.

-        Yeah she is right beside me. She wanted to tell you that if you’d stay the night with Zayn at the hotel it would be nice.

-        Harry just passes her the phone, you stupid. I said rolling my eyes.

-        Hi sweetie. She said changing her tone voice.

-        Hey, why haven’t you called me instead of Harry?

-        I don’t know… I ran away letting you alone so I thought that maybe you would’ve been mad at me. She answered shyly.

-        There is nothing to worry, I’m kinda thankful. I replied laughing. I’m having a very good moment with Zayn so I don’t mind passing the night over. Take all the time you need with Harry and call me when you’ll be ready.

-        Thanks Lace, I love you so much! She said very happy of my answer.

-        Nothing. I just want you to get better. I smirked at the phone.

We hung up and I went back to Zayn.

-        So was it Mary? He asked as he hasn’t heard what I said.

-        Yeah it was her, and she’s still with Harry and they’ll need the night so they asked me to stay over with you. I answered trying to hide my happiness.

-        Of course!  He immediately replied. I have no problem with that, I like being in your company.

-        Me either. I replied blushing away.

I’ve had an amazing night, we went to bed to so far after Harry’s call, but we haven’t really sleep. Arrived in his room, he decided to listen to a movie and the only one that seemed good was The Notebook. It was the worst idea. I cried so much that it made Zayn laugh, but he was finding it cute. And I could tell he dropped a tear at the end of the movie. We listened the movie lying on his bed, my head resting on his muscular chest.  Throughout the film he was brushing my hair softly with his fingertips. At one point, at the saddest part of the movie, I was so sad that I buried my face in his warm neck. He then drifted his hand from my head to my back and started travelling it up and down my back to make me feel better. He gently left a kiss on my head and continued rubbing my back.

As the movie finish, I could feel the exhaustion invade all my body. I rapidly put on the t-shirt Zayn bored me as pyjama and went under the blanket of the bed. Zayn took some extra blanket and pillows and made a small bed on the floor. As he was about to lie down to bed, he suddenly got up and headed to me.

-        I forgot to kiss you goodnight. He said leaning over to me.

He kissed me on the cheek and when he was about to leave, I grabbed his arms and got him back over me.

-        What about my goodnight kiss?  Asked as I pulled him closer to me.

I gently grab his beautiful face and left a tender kiss on his soft lips and released him away. He walked to his bed all confused by what just happened and so was I.

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