I realized

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I realize (Chapter Forty-Five)

As I hung up with Harry, I felt a presence standing behind me. I slowly put down my cellphone to turn and see who it was and as I did so a hand gently land on my right shoulder. I turned to see who it was.

-      I knew I would’ve found you here. Lace said as I saw her.

-      Who did you know it? I asked trying to hide my puffy eyes from her.

-      I knew because we always went to the little park near my house when we wanted to be alone and have sweet talks together. She said as she sat next to me. Yesterday when you left I took a small walk and I found this park, and when you left the note this morning I knew you would come here to clear out the things in your head.

-      Wow, I didn’t know you would actually find me and I remember those time. We were just going in the swing and talking and go crazy. I miss those times where we were just doing whatever we want, but now we are adults and we have to take care of many things at the same time and we don’t have any time for us… I said as a tears felt down my cheek.

-      But we still can, we have the whole day in front of us. After we’ll take care of the university, than another thing and another one.

As she said that, she took me by the arm and brought me to the swings not so far from the bench. We sat on them and we started swinging like we used to do.

-      So… Lace managed to say. Have you clear out your mind?

-      I think it is clear now, I just don’t know if I have the strength to make it happen. I said looking at the ground.

-      What are you talking about? She said trying to look straight in my eyes still staring at the ground.

-      I realized I have been wrong all the way with Harry. He wasn’t jealous of anything, he just wanted his friend to be safe and happy and I understood it wrong and now I am stuck. I have heard some stuff about Ashton and another girl but I don’t know if I have to trust what I heard…

-      I won’t tell you what to do Mary, but I can tell you that yesterday it was Niall who called me and he explained me half of the story.

-      Half? I asked confused.

-      Yeah, he told me what is going on with Ashton these days but he also told me that there is more but he didn’t want to tell me and surely not to you… he said that you didn’t need to hear that now. She said stopping swinging to look at my reaction.

-      Well… what have he told you then? I asked taking a deep breath, getting ready to hear about it.

-      He just told me that him and Harry had cough him cheating on you with another girl. He wanted me to talk with you so you don’t get mad at Harry for it but it was too late because you stormed out of the house after Harry told you about it.

-      That would explain a lot. I said thinking back of the girl talking about me earlier and the female voice I heard on the phone yesterday. Yesterday I called him from a payphone and he was with a women. At first I thought it was like a nanny, a person that take care of them on tour, but earlier I heard some girl talking about me being the real girlfriend being cheating on… I didn’t want to believe it but I guess my idea changed when I spoke with- I was about to say that when I talked with Harry but I don’t know if it was a good idea to tell her.

-      When you spoke with? She asked sparkling in her eyes.

I had to tell her, she is my bestfriend. She can knows that I spoke with him but what if she gets it wrong… no she won’t, she was supposed to tell me not to be mad at him and she said that he isn’t mad at me and I would forgive him one day. I guess the day as become sooner than I thought.

-      When I spoke with Harry… I said while a little smile went on.

-      What? When? Where?

-      After I heard the girl earlier I went here and sat on the bench I was when you found me. I took my phone wondering who to call and I let my heart decide.

-      And your heart chose Harry, isn’t it? She asked taking me in a hug.

-      Yeah, it chose him. And I felt relieved to hear is voice…

-      That is good news. She said a bit of excitement in her voice.

-      In what it is good news? I may have feelings for Harry and I have a fucking boyfriend.

-      It is good because you have forgiven him and don’t think about your boyfriend he is cheating on you! She almost yelled in the park.

-      I know, but I wish he wasn’t. I said as I let tears streaming down my face.

I got up the swing and walked back home letting Lace confused. Finally, my mind isn’t that cleared up. I forgave Harry, which is very good, but I don’t know if I want my relationship to end with Ashton. 


Hey guys, hope you're all going good. 

i won't be updating soon since then because I  have lots of school work to do. hope you like the story untill then. 

what do you think will happen to the Mashton romance? 

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Love you all, kisses

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