''Before you leave me for him today''

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‘’Before you leave me for him today’’(Chapter Twenty-Four)

Since the concert is finished, we walked all the way to the back door to meet up with the boys to tell them how it was an incredible show and say goodbye for the last time before they leave for the United-State.

-      I am a little scared Lace… I told her as we were walking to the boys.

-      Why is that Mary? You are not usually afraid.

-      It is because I don’t want to cry in front of Ashton and I’m sure I will… I don’t want him to remember me as the girl who cries or the show him that I’m weak to his departure…

-      Oh don’t think that way. If you let a few tears down he will think that he counts a lot for you and his departure affects you but he will never think you’re weak. And he won’t only remember that you cried he will think back to your meeting, your first date, and the night that you kiss… he will remember all your good times and so will you.

-      Yeah… maybe you are right.

-      I know I am. But I know how feel because I feel the same way with Calum but I try to think about the bright side. Going touring with them maybe, all the wonderful and memorable time we’ll have together when we’ll meet back.

-      You always have the right words Lace. I love you girl.

As I said that, I stopped walking and gave her a huge hug to thank her for making me feel better, just like always when I feel down.

-      I love you too, after all what will I do without my best friend smiling and giving confidence to help her. She replied smirking.

It felt a little weird when she said ‘’best friend’’ we don’t usually call ourselves like this, I don’t know why but I guess it is just because we know it, we’re not oblige to remember us every time of the day…

We finally arrive at the back door and the boys were there waiting for us. They took us to their loge were One Direction was already relaxing in it.

-      Girls! They all yelled smiling.

-      Hi boys! We replied smiling either.

-      How did you find the show? Asked Louis showing us to sit so could have a sweet talk.

-      To be honest guys… I started to say to make them think I didn’t like. It was the craziest show I’ve been in all my life! I finally said very happy.

-      Wow thank you Mary. Said the boys almost all together.

-      It means a lot, really. Said Harry smiling at me.

-      And what about you? Asked Niall looking at Lace.

-      I just feel the same as Mary. I had such a laugh and I went thru a lot of emotion but it was a-ma-zing!! Answered Lace a huge smile on her face.

The entire time we were with the guys of One Direction I just wanted to ask Harry if I could talk to him to ask why he dedicated Magic to me, but I resigned myself to do it. I’ve always been a shit to talk about feelings and everything that as to do with boys…I just taught he would think that I love him or some crazy shit like that! I always think more than I should.

We’ve been talking and chilling with the lads for almost an hour when Paul went to take the guys back to their hotel. Bill told his boy than they could stay a little bit more since they are with their girlfriends, not just friends.

Lace and I have said goodbye to all the boys wishing the best for their next show and that we’d love to see them again in Montreal. I again finished with Harry because I had a few more things to tell him than the other boys.

-      Goodbye Harry, I will miss you. I said hugging him tightly.

-      I will miss you too sweet girl. He replied hugging me back.

I pulled back and took my cellphone out.

-      I may be in a relationship with Ashton but I want to stay in touch with you Haz. I said leaning my cell to him. Can you write every information that I could join you with. If you had Skype with would be great. I smiled at him.

-      Of course you can lovey! He answered smiling back at me. Here is my phone so you can do the same thing.

He took my phone and I took his. As I did with Ashton I wrote my number, my twitter name, but I have added a few more things. I wrote my skype name, my address, my email, etc. I think I have put every single account that I have, just to be sure he find me and we can keep contact.

-      Thank you Harry, it means a lot that you did that!

-      There is nothing because I am also very happy you entered al this information.

We hugged one last time. I could feel that I wanted to cry but I had to retain myself to it, because why should I cry for him… I know why but Ashton doesn’t need to know it. As we pull back from our hug, I looked at Harry’s eyes and I could see them shinning but it was because of the lights… he was about to cry and that made me even more wanting to cry, but I held it. I bet he probably saw it but only him could have seen it and I only wanted him to know it.

-      Goodbye Mary. He said kissing me on the cheek.

-      Bye Harry. I said smiling shyly at the kiss he just gave me.

Lace had loads of emotion too when she came to see goodbye to Niall. She had tears in her eyes, but she probably will never say it.

The boys went out of the room and it just felt like we have known them forever and they just leave like this. It felt really strange because I don’t know if I will feel the same way with Ashton that I felt with Harry… I am in love with my boyfriend but I bet things are different because of it. I am sure to see him again but not the guys of One Direction. I turned to Lace and I could see she needed time to get well.

-      I need to go to the bathroom, can you come with me Lace? I asked looking at her a little smile on.

-      Yeah, I also need to go. She replied almost running out of the room.

-      We’ll be back in a few minute guys. I said looking at the boys beside us.

We went out the room and went for the search of the bathroom. Just before we entered the bathroom, my phone vibrated, which meant I received a text. I took it to see who it was and to my surprise it was Harry, I was wondering what he texted me.

‘’if we could have this life for one more day, if only we could turn back time. I wish I had find the words to say before you leave me for him today… I wish you the best with Ashton but promise me to tell me whenever there is something wrong with him and also promise me you won’t forget me’’ kisses Harry.

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