Is it okay with you?

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Is it okay with you? (Chapter Ten)

We finally got in the room where the movie was presented. I easily find four seats at a good place. I sat next to Ashton, obviously and Lace next to Calum, but they left a free place between us and them. Umh I guess they want to have some privacy, afterwards it is a date tonight.

P.O.V Mary

The movie started right on time, as usual, and as the advertisement started Ashton whispered something in my ear.

-      I am glad you accepted to go out with me tonight, I was afraid you wouldn’t say yes, he said ill-at-ease.

-      Why wouldn’t I? Look at you, who would say no to a handsome guy like you. I whispered back at him.

-      Well thanks for the compliment, but you know… he said taking a little break in his thoughts. Girls aren’t all as kind as you. He said leaving a peck on my cheek.  

Well that was unpredictable. Ashton Irwin just kissed me on the cheek. I couldn’t help but blush, at least we were in the dark so he wouldn’t notice it. What should I answered to that, I’m speechless for everything, the compliment, the kiss, what to answer? I had to do something or I’ll regret it, so I just went to the first thing that crossed my mind.

-      And the boys aren’t all the same either, I said touching softly his hand with finger.

Since the movie was beginning we all stopped talking and looked at the big screen to watch the movie.

All movie long we had a great laugh! Ash and I couldn’t help it, we couldn’t stop laughing out loud. There was just a little moment that we stop laughing, and this moment was when he took my hand. A few second after it, he looked at me and asked:

-      Is it okay with you?

I looked at him, trying my best to look in his deep blue eyes and smiled at him.

-      Yeah it is, I replied grabbing back his hand. But it is nice to ask, thanks.

As I finish my sentence he approaches my hand near his face and leaves a tender kiss on it before heading back to the movie.

He was so sweet until the beginning of this date. I just couldn’t wait to go out the cinema to learn a little bit more about him. Maybe Calum and Lace would like to have time alone, so I could have some with Ashton. We don’t know what could happen, life is so unpredictable some times.

Now that the movie was finish, everybody was taking their stuff to leave the room and head back home.

-      Calum and I we’ll go have some food. We are very hungry, said Lace with a smile on her face looking at Calum.

I knew she would probably like to be alone with him and try to know him better since they really get to get along. I just looked at her and smile back.

-      As if I’m not surprised, I laughed a little. I guess we will meet after.

-      Great, see you later, she said before leaving with Calum with his arms around her.

As just this I realized how darn cute they are together, I wish it will work out for them as a couple.

-      I guess it will only be you and me, I said winking at Ashton.

-      It looks like it, he smiled. Want to go back to the hotel?

-      Sure! I answered a bit too much enthusiast. To yours or mines?

-      At yours if you don’t mind, he answered. The boys will probably be there and I’d like to spend some time alone with you.

-      Of course I don’t, I feel the same way.

As we agreed about going to my room, we made our way back to our hotel. 

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