P.O.V Lace ,He truly loves you.

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P.O.V Lace (Chapter Forty-Seven)

A few minutes after Mary left for the restaurant, there has been a huge knock on the door. I wondered who it was because we know no one over here. I went across the door and opened it.

-      What up! Said a too much enthusiast guy as I open the door.

-      Louis damn! I said surprise to see him here. What are you doing here?

-      Actually it is what are you doing here Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry? He said revealing the other boys next to him.

-      Guys! I said a bit too much enthusiastic. What are you doing here? You aren’t supposed to be on tour at the moment?

-      Like you said… we are supposed to, but we took a break. We all needed it and we needed to have some time away from it.

-      Why do you need time? I said as I let them enter the house, leading them to the living room.

-      We weren’t able to continue. Said Zayn as he looked up at Harry, showing who really needed some rest of it.

-      Yeah… I can understand. I said giving a hug to Harry to make him feel like his not alone in this situation.

-      So how are you going, both of you? Asked Harry trying to get over his emotion.

-      Well, I am very good but Mary… I started before I stop to think a way to say how she was really going.

I know it would hurt Harry if I just tell him that she is torn in all this and she isn’t very sure about her feelings for both him and Ashton. I wanted to be honest with him and all the boys but at the same time I didn’t want to make anything go wrong between them and the boys.

-      Lace be honest with us. Said Louis to make me say the real truth.

-      Alright. I said before taking a deep breath and telling them all. She isn’t very going well to be truly honest. She knows the truth about Ashton, well what I knew and what Harry told her. She is just torn; she can’t decide what the best is for her at the moment.

-      Torn with what? Asked Harry really taking part in her sentimental life.

-      She is torn between you and Ashton. I said as I look at him to see his reaction.

-      And when have she told you that? He asked wondering.

-      After she called you today…

-      She called you and you haven’t told us? Asked Liam getting interested in the conversation suddenly.

-      I am sorry guys, okay! It isn’t the first thing I thought after we hung up. He said crossing his arms on his chest.

-      Guys it is alright. I said taking his defence. Mary was reticent at first to tell me either.

We drifted a lot from our debut conversation. We talked about how they missed being around here and at the same time around us. We have been taking joking and laughing around for a few hours, while having tea and cookies. I changed our funny conversation to a more serious one when a thought crossed my mind.

-      Do you think Calum’s feelings are real for me or it only marketing just like Ashton’s one for Mary? I asked taking a bit of my cookie.

Harry didn’t felt good when I pronounced Ash’s name with Mary’s feeling in the same sentence.

-      Trust me sweetie, Calum is truly in love with you. Answered Louis smiling at me to make me feel better.

-      Yeah, Louis’s true. Don’t be afraid of his feeling for you, and never question him about it. Agreed Liam tapping Louis’s shoulder.

-      After we knew about Ashton, we made him past lots of question and tests and we have been stalking him for a long time. We wouldn’t let them do to you what Ash did to your bestfriend. Louis completed.

-      Yeah, and I hope I could go back in time to also avoid Ashton breaking Mary’s heart. Said Harry through gritted teeth.

-      Harry stop it now! I ordered him. I love you, sincerely, but you got to stop with that. You can’t come back to the past and prevent them to meet. Sometimes bad things happen in life and we have to face it just like she is actually doing. I am pretty sure she will break up with Ashton and everything will go back to before we even met them. I said a bit angry but trying not to show it because he was very emotional thought.

-      I know, I have to let her choose and let things goes.

We have been comforting Harry until the door slammed open.

-      Oh my god Lace. I am so not in love with Ashton anymore, it is so over between us! Yelled Mary a bit angry, a bit happy while she entered the house. I have just been talking with Niall and-

She froze at the sight of the boys in the living room with me. I bet Niall haven’t told her they would come here while they were together.

-      And what?  Harry said wondering about the happiness showing on her face at what she was about to say.

-      And he told me the entire story… She said trying to make it like it was what she wanted to say.

She went to her room, shut the door close and we heard a big noise, like something hitting the wall. 

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