Unique and Memorable

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Unique and Memorable (Chapter Nineteen)

Harry and Ashton both headed out the loge to have a talk, and I could bet it wouldn’t be a nice one, basing on Ashton’s face.

-      So… Liam managed to say breaking the awkward silent in the room. Are you girls excited about tonight’s show?

-      Yeah! Answered Lace enthusiast. We have been waiting for this night for more than a year, so it was now the time for it to arrive.

-      We are really looking forwards for it. I said smiling.

-      Have you watched some videos to get an idea? Asked Niall looking at Lace with a sparkle in his eyes.

Since she wasn’t answering Niall’s question I decided to take the lead, maybe she will talk after me.

-      For myself, I had watched a few one. But sincerely I think each show has something very special and different because you create the show, you don’t seem to have anything planned. I answered to Niall, while giving a look at Lace to let her know that she has to say something.

-      I also watch some of them. She finally said. Mary and I have watched a few ones together.

-      That is great. Replied Niall. But Mary is right, we try to make every show unique and memorable for each different country we play in.

We have been talking about the touring and all the hard work they put in every single thing they do to make us happy. After maybe 20 minutes, I noticed that I am still alone on the couch, which means that Ashton and Harry are still talking in the corridor.

-      Is it normal that Ashton and Harry are still outside? I asked to the boys wondering why.

-      I don’t know. Answered Louis. Maybe he had a few things to talk with him and it is long things to say. Finishes Louis quite not certain about his answer.

-      Maybe Ashton says a few words to Harry because he doesn’t like to get her girl stolen by him. Said Luke with a very serious look.

-      Wait, what? I said confused. Harry isn’t trying to steal me from Ashton, he is just being kind with me. I continued defending a little bit Harry.

-      Open your eyes Mary, Harry gets you in his target and this is driving Ashton crazy. Replied Calum with a sad look on his face.

-      You are all crazy! I said. I would never leave Ashton, I trust him and he trust me. I just have to tell Harry I am taken and he will stop his flirty game.

As I said that, I crossed my arms on my chest to let the others no that I am mad at them to think that Harry would steal his mate’s girl and that I could probably cheat on Ashton for Harry. That is just a total non-sense. I would never cheat on him. We trust each other and I love him, I would never make him suffer, never!

-      You promise you will never leave him for Harry and make him suffer? Asked Calum hoping.

-      Never in a million years! I snapped to his question.

-      That is my cue! Shouted Zayn from the other end of the room.

-      Oh true! I replied. Sorry for taking your line from your latest music video Best Song Ever. I sincerely apology sweet Veronica. I said laughing at him.

This was a good thing he said that because it brought everyone to laugh and relaxed the atmosphere in the room. I looked at Zayn giving him a thankful smile. He replied with a smile to say that there is nothing.

Ashton and Harry finally came back in the room. They didn’t look very angry at each other. Ashton seemed happy and Harry, well he is him so he had his casual face on. It made me feel better because I thought everything was my fault with the restaurant story. The only thing different was that Harry didn’t sit next to me like the other time. He found a place to sit on the table in the loge.

-      So what have we missed? Asked Ashton smiling at everyone to let them know everything is fine.

-      Nothing much babe. I replied. We were talking about the tour and some other stuff.

-      Great. He said smiling.

-      It is almost time to eat. What do you thing about going to the restaurant before the fans invade the Bell Centre? Asked Niall.  

-      Why don’t you say you are just hungry? Replied Liam laughing.

-      Alright! He gave up. But can we go, what I said was the truth.

-      Of course we can Niall! Lace said, which made him smile. I am also starting to starve. Some food will be good for my stomach.

Of course, Lace the ones that likes to eat approved Niall the other one that likes to eat.

We all headed out the loge to find Paul, the bodyguard. Yeah, the Paul Higgins, the funny and lucky One Direction’s bodyguard. We finally found him near the stage to look up after a few security things.

-      Hey Paul. Said the 1D lads in unison.

-      We’d like to go out for dinner, can we go? Asked Liam.

-      Sure, I finish looking at some point with the security and I’m up with you to assure everything is fine.

-      Alright! We’ll wait for you at the back door. Replied Liam.

We all walked in the direction of the back door, and we waited for Paul to arrive to take us for dinner. 

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