Part- 80

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He kissed her agn covering their frames with a black satin sheet.."uff choro ab.." she moaned in between their kiss.. "No" he sternly replied n made his way to their wetty lip latch...randhir never get enough of her..if there was any way to keep her packed with him then he would have tried that also... He pecked her lightly before leaving n circled his arm around her waist.. he kept staring at the be precise on the green twinkling artificial stars by which she decorated their was indeed beautiful year flew away in happiness but he still remember how he got his life back dat day in hospital..
He was in utter shock..he was blinking his eyes repeatedly to believe its not illusion. Parth made her sit infront of his..her muscles were stil would take time to move freely.. Mr shekhawata indicated everyone to leave so that they could get some privacy..
There was an awkward silence between them.. They have so much to say..too many allegations..too many complains..what to say..what not to say.. their emotional conflict reflected in their silence..sanyu slowly cupped his face..n with other hand caressed his wound, some portion of which soaked in blood..
More than one year since he felt her care..her touch was cure of his all wounds.. emotional as well as physical..eyes became wet agn but this time not in pain..he knew he had his personal painkiller with him..she hugged him tight..n he was absorbing her in his system inch by inch.."kya haal bana kuch din nahi thi.." he didnt allow her to complete..he hugged her back "kuch din..?? ek saal.." he sobbed"m sorry..." she distanced their frame abit to latch their eyes.."u r not forgiven" he faked anger..she hugged him agn.. she knew her husband well. He never showed his actual emotions to anyone.. His anger means she was already forgiven..
"Kya soch rahe ho" sanyu who was drawing imaginery patterns on his broad chest stopped at once when she found him drowned in some other world..He looked down at her all flushed face.. The colour of her cheeks when he was around became his favourite colour nowadays.."soch raha tha how u planned to ditch me..n how i failed all ur plans" he pinched her nose to which she slapped his hand lightly.."how many times i need to clear this that i didnt plan anything!!"He always irritate her by this..lyk some typical husband who rejoices making his wify angry."u did.." he argued"nah.. I didnt" she helped herself up by her elbow"yess.. U" "no n u shut up" she was pissed off now.."make me.." he winked..Now she understood he was playing along just to get what he want.. He inched his face up to meet hers n some shrill cry made them came out of their private world..He jumped out to get into his boxer followed by his trousers..n ran out giving her clothes before baby moniter could make any further sound.. Nowadays his babies were his 1st piority..after sanyu..
He came back with two little grown-up babies in his two arms who were crying on top of their voices.. This is most peculiar habbit of twins.. if one cries, other one also join him without any prior reason..She took ranbir from him "kya hua mera bachcha..kyun ro rahe ho.." she comforted him in her arms..kissed him to sooth.. She looked up at randhir who was roaming with his angel on their balcony.. He made her count the stars n suprisely she was giggling with her dadda...
She smiled and stood beside him...randhir engulfed her in a side hug.. "thanks for being with me.. Thanks for giving my complete family.." he smiled n kissed her cheek warmly only to get kissed by their cupcakes who copied this talent from their dadda..! :):)

The end

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