Time with Grampy

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Arriving at her father's realm she called out for him:"Pater , ad me veniet , colligere pueri, salve ..." looking around she tried again..."Pater , ad me veniet , colligere pueri, salve ... ." just as she was about to try again Byleth appeared in the doorway; "Sunt adhuc dormientes Shh placet" smiling yet slightly surprised Drü spoke to her father; "LATRO 09.30 Pater , quod suus 'vestri secretum?" Byleth chuckled before answering her; "Secret ? Deficiet enim me latet, ut pasceret canes prandium , pueri velati balineis inferuntur lacte Aliquam et lectus . Daemn notavi, patris animum habet et complexionem." "O animadvertit ... Draven videtur esse positus ad fratrem suum: et in ipso vigilantes in via EGO coniecto ut 's Music sunt simul , et Thomas , forsit adepto iens usquam ut vos adepto ante furorem" "Dru , quid ages ? aliqua re sit ? Nimirum quo ambos tamen dormit, scio te uberius posse Jay tempore cum duobus,
ne quid tibi mecum adhuc relictisque duabus noctibus , et ego cum illo uti videntur , quid dicis?" "OK si certus sis , ut te aut nolumus." "Certe praeter nunquam extinguetur et nepotes filiae et testimonium meum non est gener auxilium eam praestare posse."

Urgh I really need to remember that you whiny humans don't speak or read Latin so here goes the translation game.... Seriously don't they have night schools you can go to and I don't know learn latin???

("Father, I've come to collect the boys.. hello..."
"Shh please they are still sleeping.."
"wow Dad it's 09.30 what's your secret? "
"Secret? I don't have a secret, we fed the hounds,had lunch, the boys had a bath, the milk, story and bed. I have noticed that Daemn has his father's attitude and temperament."
"Oh you noticed that... Draven seems to be more laid back then his brother I guess I s like watching the way Jay and Jazz are together,anyway we should probably get going before you get driven insane"
"Drü, what's the rush? do you have somewhere to be? I mean at the moment they're both still asleep, and I'm sure you and Jay could do with some couple time,why dont you leave them with me for another night or two,they seem to enjoy it and I like the company,what do you say?"
"OK if you are sure,we don't want to put you out or anything."
"I'm sure besides my grandsons are NEVER a put out and for the record neither is my daughter and even my son in law, it's a pleasure to be able to help.")

Thanking her father for the childcare offer she made sure he had enough clothes nappies milk and stuff for the boys and left.

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