Nightmares and Radio Silence

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Darkness,ear piercing screaming, blood everywhere,Dru was running as fast as she could yet didn't seem to be getting anywhere fast, she'd tried to communicate with Arie but all she was getting back was radio silence, why wasn't she answering, something was wrong,before she had the chance to try again she awoke with a violent jolt, sweat was pouring from her and she was hyperventilating, the nightmare she was just in had passed but for how long was unsure, looking around she spotted Sapphire wasn't in her crib, carefully getting out of bed she slowly made her way into what she assumed was Angels living room.
"Look Saffy, your mummy is awake" Angel said softly to the squirming infant in his arms, placing Sapphire down in the Moses basket he made his way to where Dru was standing, "How you feeling? I mean not to be rude or anything but you look paler than me and I'm dead" he gave a small chuckle before looking at Dru, "you've been in and out of it since Sapphire was born, 4 days ago, you've been thrashing and screaming in your sleep, kept calling for Arie, is something wrong, maybe I can help" Dru sat down, she sighed softly before looking up "I don't know I keep having this reoccurring nightmare and every time I try and tap in and communicate with Arie there's nothing, she doesn't reply, it's just silence, eerie silence, but surely if she was gone I'd feel it... Wouldn't I? " Angel looked at her, he'd never come across this sort of thing even in his 240 years of existence, this was bad, but hopefully could be fixed, looking back at Dru he spoke softly "Is there anyone we could talk to that may know, your father, siblings?" Dru nodded, if daddy dearest doesn't know or doesn't want to fess up I have a few siblings that may be able to help, I wonder if the Shadow Lurker Frankie knows anything, dad seemed very fond and secretive about her, hmm it's worth a shot, but first we need to introduce daddy to his daughter and her special uncle" before Angel could protest Dru had flashed them both to the home she shared with Cal.

"Dru, DRU!!, urgh why exactly are you ignoring me huh, what did I do wrong this time.... DRU!! "
Arie had been trying to contact her human driver for the past hour and was getting nowhere, and that was making her angry, something was wrong, something seemed to have shifted but what, that was the son of a bitch that Arie was gonna figure out and get her human back.

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