A Brothers Reunion

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Days had passed since she raised her best friend from the dead and she split her time between checking in with her father and her sons and her brother as well as spending time with Cal. Evenings passed in a laughing frenzy most nights and although Cal looked happy there was a clear sadness in his eyes, he missed his brother, Dru had an idea but she had to wait til Cal was asleep to start her plan of reuniting the brothers, the first part was fairly easy, once he was asleep she found Ethan's mobile number and slipped it in her phone, the next part was going to be tricky.

Morning rolled around and Dru was ready to put phase two of her plan into action.. After leaving Cal's apartment to do some errands of her own she decided the time was right to give Ethan a call....

"Hello? Sorry do I know you?  Only joking you've reached Ethan Hardy's phone, leave a message and I'll get back to you.. Whoever you are."

Damn voicemail, she thought aloud before quickly leaving a brief message

"Hi Ethan it's uhm Dru... Dru Gothica... Uhm we met a few times... Anyway I have something to tell you and possibly show you regarding your brother... Cal me back it's rather important"

She prayed he'd ring back, she really did, slipping her phone back in her pocket she started walking to the nearest coffee house, if she was going to achieve this she needed coffee and plenty of it, no sooner had she sat down her phone rang, she recognised the number as Ethan's, taking a deep breath she answered...
"Hey thanks for returning my call, as i said on the voicemail I have something to tell you and well uhm show you in regards to your brother, is it possible you could meet me uhm outside his apartment please, I know it's a strange request but it's important, I'll be there myself in 20 minutes, thanks again and see you soon." Finishing her coffee she made her way to Cal's apartment ready to meet Ethan and comense phase 3.

Dru stood against the wall waiting for Ethan to turn up, she hoped she hadn't freaked him out to the point of being a no show, 5 minutes had gone past and she was about to give up hope when he appeared beside her, taking her by complete surprise when he hugged her.
"It's Dru, you called me, I remember you from one of Cals pub crawls, not to mention the incident that one of your sons almost burnt the cubicle down, Cal told me all about you and your heritage.. Why are we here, what could you possibly have here to show me huh?" She looked straight at him before answering "you said he told you of my heritage so that should give a hint of anything I'm capable of, the low life that caused this, I took care of him, but this next part I need you to trust me, can you do that?" Ethan didn't say a word he just nodded in agreement, "OK well I need you to go inside and on to the roof, I then need you to close your eyes and clear your mind" he again nodded and did as she instructed.

On the rooftop was peaceful, as instructed by Dru he closed his eyes and cleared his mind.... He could hear his brother loud and clear as though it was more than just a memory... He swore he could feel his prescense and smell that over powering aftershave he used to wear.... He was about to give up when he heard it "Nibbles open your eyes." He did as he was told only to be standing face to face with Cal.... "W what, h how is this possible, you died... Someone explain NOW!" stepping forward Dru explained how they came to be in this moment in time, a smile danced across her lips at the sight of the two brothers hugging, she thought to herself that everyone deserves happiness in life, knowing that she made this happy scene happen she embraced them both tightly under the glow of the sunset.

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