Hmm,We Have a Grimm-Boi and some Ghost Adventures

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The room was spinning, her ears were ringing,it was like her entire body both ached like a bitch and yet felt weightless at the same time, it was like she could hear what's going on around her but she couldn't process it.....seconds felt like hours....then all of a sudden she felt a hard stinging across her left cheek.....she looked Arie square in the eyes" "WTF DID YOU JUST SLAP ME!" Arie couldn't help it a smirk danced across her lips " Dru you hit the deck,you face planted the carpet of course I slapped you,I couldn't be arsed to stand a shout at you to WAKE UP we have 23 hours left till delivery of well You." Dru rubbed her hand across her face "that stung Arie,besides we have people willing to help us figure all this out and hopefully put a stop to it" Arie let a dark demonic chuckle,looking Dru dead in the eyes," Who exactly Huh, You have 2 HUMAN ghost hunters,a twin brother that we've not seen or heard from in months,an immortal husband,an immortal best friend,a dead beat demon king of hell daddy, a high level demon Ex Vetis who may I remind you has been AWOL & MIA for well over 2 Years, a shadow lurker half sister that I'm pretty certain would rather Malphas' kill you than her help you oh and a Grimm! So who exactly you gonna call Huh?" Dru listened to the words Arie was spewing out,and it hurt that she was partly right ...she paused before retaliating with her answer "Zander WILL come if I call him and you know he will,the Shadow Lurker as you so kindly call her is Frankie and yeah you're right she ain't exactly my greatest fan,she ain't yours either so yeah....I'll pass,leave Cal and Casey outta all this,dad's busy as usual being king of hell plus he'll have the kids....Jay/Vetis is....well..Lucifer knows where.....and lastly that Grimm as you rudely refer to him is a decent dude that like it or not oh and we tend to call him Nick NOT Grimm just like we call you Arie and not just Demon!Got it!?" Arie was mega pissed and boy did it show she snapped her head round to gave her human vessel "Dru,have you lost your damn mind! HE knows what WE are plus ain't he a COP too,Huh ..he could not only KILL us BOTH but he could also ARREST my sexy ASS for the unexplained homicide I left for them last month.... NO you ain't calling him!" She hissed as the sentence left her pretty demonic mouth,a small scowl forming at the corners of her mouth...."TOUGH I CALLED HIM....SO...BEHAVE!" Dru's response threw Arie for six..she had done what now.....before she had time to protest Dru had opened the front door and Arie was thrust face to face with the Grimm/Cop or Nick as Dru reminded her.

Nick stepped to the left slightly trying to move out of the death glare Arie had currently got him in, he stood next to Dru,she looked tired and a little paler than usual, he spoke softly but firmly "Dru,how exactly do you know someone wants to capture you and inevitably kill you?" Dru bit her lip "Ha,uhm Nick that's where things kinda get awkward" she breaks eye contact as she speaks,Nick doesn't like that,he has a strong feeling something is seriously wrong,a damn site worse than what Dru seems willing to admit...."Have you had a death threat?,a phone call,a letter anything!" He was aware he was shouting,he didn't mean to shout he didn't mean to frighten her,for a girl that was half demon she seemed normal,it didn't seem fair,he waited for her response he didn't wish to push it, especially not with Arie standing there looking like she would enjoy killing him,"N not exactly Nick,uhm it's slightly more personal than that" Dru's voice trailed off,clearly pre occupied and understandably on edge,he continued to press "Well did somebody threaten you face to face?" Her entire body tensed at the most recent question "Actually" Dru sighed softly as she spoke "sort of but it's awkward,in well more ways than one" she spoke quickly but softly still avoiding eye contact with both Arie or Nick, but that didn't stop Arie coming out with what left her mouth ",Oh for Lucifers sake Dru just tell him already!" Arie stepped forward and suddenly the realization of something that happened previous suddenly hit Nick like a full blown house ....he turned to Arie with his gun now drawn..."YOU! IT WAS YOU!" Arie smirked and stepped forward "Oh you remember me,that is soooo sweet of you" the words danced seductively of her tongue,her Succubus charm just oozing its way out...."OUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST..." Arie smirked seductively and shimmed forward like a stripper lining herself up with the dancing pole.....Dru stepped forward putting herself between Nick's gun and her demonic side..." STOP, BOTH OF YOU" she shouted as loudly as her body would allow her, Arie stood her ground "Dru, see I Told You this was a bad idea!"...She growled slightly, Dru turned to face Nick " I I didn't know who else to turn to, SHIT, SHE didn't want me to call you,was adamant you'd kill us both before you agreed to help,but I was like Arie, Nick's a chill guy,he'll be able to help us,I'm pretty sure that he will also like overlook the little you know -thing- in your/,our past." She looked at Nick then back to Arie, " YOU MEAN MURDER!" Nick shouted in Arie's general direction only to be cut off by Dru "Meh-yeah well we don't have to get into the details right now,I mean there's about -huh- um..23 hours here before -well- before" she pauses and looks at Arie, "Before SHE'S meant to uhm you know,capture me,deliver me to the demon that killed my brother and you know leave him to kill me too,so if neither of you can see fit to...I don't know..out aside your own PERSONAL differences for just a little while then HELL, I'll just stand here and wait until whoever exactly it is behind all this ya know just shows up here out of sheer impatience,Huh,sound peachy to the pair of you!?" She glared at both Nick and Arie with a mixture of anger and sadness in her eyes. "Arie,who wants Dru dead" he asked hoping the demoness would be cooperative...."Some scum that killed our brother Xavier and his little boy,we killed the ones we knew of,seems we missed some" Arie could feel the pain and fear emulating from Dru,the fear that her own demonic side would gladly hand her over to be tortured...again...and god knows what else before death was a welcoming relief...she'd been there before....a few years ago.....the next sentence snapped Arie out of the telekinetic link she had opened with Dru "Do we have any names?" A small dark giggle left Arie,it wasn't intentional but it fitted the mood" Oh yeah sure...if I had names Grimm wouldn't be here!" Nick sighed,the nickname the pretty demon had thrust upon him was starting to annoy him,but she had a point,"So Arie,how did you get hired for the kill at hand?" He sat down but made sure he never lost visual of Arie,she smirked circling where he sat like a hungry shark circling a chum boat....." Funny story really...I killed a couple of scuzzies and POW now I'm the one hired to capture and deliver Dru" Nick stood up "You killed again...tonight??" The annoyance in his voice was crystal clear but then again the couldn't give a shit attitude was clear in Arie's " Yeah.....Twice!" Came her response....."That's 8 people you've killed in a MONTH....A MONTH ARIE...."
"HA! THAT YOU KNOW OF YEAH!" She let a smirk dance across her lips,she was enjoying making the Cop/Grimm-Boi squirm almost as much as she liked Hardcore Sex with human guys......Nick looked at Dru " Did you know she killed 2 more guys tonight?" Dru nodded slightly"uhm,yeah she killed the underdogs that were part of the group that killed Xavier" Nick rubbed the back of his neck,this was becoming more intense as the evening wore on, his eyes started to scan the room,"Dru, I need to get you somewhere safe...and.." his eyes glare at Arie" YOU Arie,You are gonna show me EXACTLY where you met these Scuzzies as you called it?" Arie looked him up and down" How do I know you ain't just gonna arrest my sexy ASS the second we get outside Grimm-Boi huh....I mean not that I don't like the idea of you using your handcuffs on me....but in a more fun and satisfying way than you have planned" she licked her lips seductively allowing her Succubus scent to make its way towards Nick....."Arie pack it in I'm Not Interested in you right now...I'm more interested in helping Dru.... I'll deal with you later" he said trying to fight the urge to grab the dark haired demon and be rough with her in ways he knows shed enjoy .. "Urgh's the HELL'S BELLS BAR..about a 49 minute drive south of here" Arie hissed, although she was content with the fact he wanted her in the same degrading and dirty ways she wanted him too, Dru smiled looking up at the pair "Aww it's nice to see the pair of you getting along for lil old me - I'm actually pretty touched" Arie shot her a glare "Don't Be- It ain't over yet-Lets Go Grimm-Boi" and with that Arie had dragged Nick out into the darkness

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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